Pulse Effects, is possible to use in X86?

  • Regards,

    I'm just about to build my first humble HTPC with a q1900b. As a android user I would love to have something similar to viper4android here, seems to me that Pulse Effects is the most close.

    Maybe is a totally newbie question, but is possible to use Pulse Effects at Libreelec?

    Is very important to me to have a parametric equalizer and some DSP, this makes me in doubt between Libreelec or Ubuntu as a OS, but I would love to use Libreelec.

    Thx in advance

    Edited once, last by NoNick (May 24, 2018 at 4:33 PM).

    • Official Post

    LE uses alsa for Kodi audio by default but there is also basic/limited pulse support to allow for routing audio to a bluetooth speaker which needs pulse. To get pulse effects working you'd have to custom compile the distro image with extra packages and assuming you get past that hurdle you'll need to figure out how to configure effects from the console. The slightly condescending but usually true "rule of thumb" on major changes is "if you have to ask how it's done you don't have the skills to do it" .. so if this is an essential feature you'd probably be better off using Ubuntu as the base OS for your HTPC build as Kodi on Ubuntu uses pulse by default and there are pre-build packages for pulse effects so installing things is simple.

    NB: Kodi almost had what you're looking for with ADSP add-ons, but sadly the work on ADSP (which has been ongoing since Kodi v16) has stalled in the last year due to the sole developer not having the time to work on it. Recent core changes broke ADSP code paths and code was recently removed until a future date when things are in a more complete state.