Automatically refresh/update photos used for slideshow

  • Does anyone know if there's a way to have Kodi automatically refresh/update what photos will be used for a slideshow without having to manually exit out of the slideshow and then restart it via the Kodi menu?

    I'm running LibreELEC/Kodi on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with an external USB disk connected. I have this USB disk shared on my network meaning I'm able to drop new photos directly onto it from my Windows 10 computer. However, whenever I do that I have to manually perform the step described above to have Kodi include the newly added photos in the slideshow.

    Would be very nice if there was a way to automate this.

    • Official Post

    It's not possible. Kodi currently builds the 'playlist' of images at start and the list is not refreshed or added-to unless you stop and restart the slideshow. The whole 'photos' side of Kodi is a little under-developed, so code submissions to improve it are welcome.

  • If I had the knowledge, I would have loved to add an automatic slideshow refresh option to Kodi that simply checks if any photos were added/removed.

    For now I worked around the issue by creating an file where I added the command to start Kodi whenever I reboot my RPi. I then created a crontab job that will reboot the RPi once every day meaning the slideshow will be refreshed once every day as well.

    Not the best solution but better than nothing.