Streamzap USB IR-receiver not working when plugged in during boot of 8.2.x versions

  • I have a Raspberry Pi 1 running LibreElec. I also use this Streamzap remote control with it and it worked flawlessly for months.

    Streamzap | Consumer Electronics : PC Remote : Overview

    When I updated to version 8.2.5 I noticed that the remote control no longer works. Unplugging and plugging the IR-Reciver in again is a workaround in most cases. Sometimes, the OK button does not work after this and I have to unplug it again to make the OK button work, too.

    Then I went back version by version, until it worked again. The version I reverted back to is 8.0.2. This is probably the version I used before the update. All other versions available must have a bug regarding the Streamzap remote:, 8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.2.3, 8.2.4 and 8.2.5.

    I have a partial dmesg fragment showing the relevant lines of the Streamzap remote. Unfortunately, I don't have the full debuglog and the lsusb output, because I read the "How-to bug-reports" when the Pi + remote were no longer within my reach. If it is about the VID/PID, those are visible in my dmesg fragment.