Hdmi output resolution and right stuff

  • I'm very very newbie about libreElec and his universe !! I had configured with success my rasp pi2 with libreElec and It works perfectly with my home led full hd tv ! Now I'm on holiday with my pi2, an android tablet, no pc, an hdmi HD old led tv and a hdmi cable !! I have selected the right hdmi input on tv but the screen is black. libreelec is running because I can use it via Android Kodi. i suppose that i can't see anything on tv cause of wrong resolution. If I'm right, how can I resolve this ?

  • I'm very very newbie about libreElec and his universe !! I had configured with success my rasp pi2 with libreElec and It works perfectly with my home led full hd tv ! Now I'm on holiday with my pi2, an android tablet, no pc, an hdmi HD old led tv and a hdmi cable !! I have selected the right hdmi input on tv but the screen is black. libreelec is running because I can use it via Android Kodi. i suppose that i can't see anything on tv cause of wrong resolution. If I'm right, how can I resolve this ?

    Did you first turn on the monitor before starting the RPi? That is important.