Segfault during Kodi startup

  • Hey there,

    I'm running LibreELEC 8.2.5 on a RPi 3 as my parent's home entertainment hub. A few days ago Kodi began having problems during startup at first. My father mentioned having one successful startup after four unsuccessful ones. They also mentioned, that the Pi would try to reboot several times before "giving up" and being stuck.

    Now it does not get further than the Kodi logo.

    Luckily I can still SSH to it, so here is the most recent kodi_crash.log:

    It clearly shows a segmentation fault while trying to show some kind of info window.

    Here's dmesg too, but it doesn't seem that interesting:

    This probably won't be enough to solve the problem. Just tell me what further information I need to provide and I'll get to it as soon as possible.

    I upgraded from 8.2.5 from 8.2.3 on Saturday and had to make some changes to the network. But it doesn't look like a network related error to me. At least it should not be connected to the SMB problems people seem to be having, as I only use NFS and UPnP. (as far as I know...)

    Thanks for your help! :)

    • Official Post

    Your first paragraph suggests it is likely a corrupted SD card. Although that doesn't happen often anymore with RPi devices, it's still a possibility. A full, fresh installation should solve that. If the SD card itself is getting write problems, it's time for a new one. Try to create a backup first, although that may also become corrupted now.

    NFS is a fairly solid basis once is runs. I've used the NFS protocol for years now with XBMC and Kodi. UPnP is something you must enable, it is off by default. Enabling UPnP is only usefull in Kodi if you have a video and/or music library that you want to share via UPnP/DLNA. Otherwise, it's just a nuisance in the background eating up CPU cycles.

  • Your first paragraph suggests it is likely a corrupted SD card. Although that doesn't happen often anymore with RPi devices, it's still a possibility. A full, fresh installation should solve that.

    A fresh installation solved the problem. Thankfully I could restore a backup.

    Thanks for the help! :)