Libreelec Installer wont Boot on my new Gemini Lake NUC7CJYH

  • Hi guys, im desperatly looking for help

    I just got my NUC7CJYH Nuc. And i cant get further than the waiting for installer message. After that my keyboard turns off and the computer just freezes.

    Ive tried all sorts of builds. Also the milhouse 9.0 builds wich support gemini lake.

    On my other computer the installer boots just fine? Can anyone tell me what seems to be the problem here.

    Another user is having the same problem with this nuc... see here:

    NUC7CJYH cannot boot LibreELEC from USB or SD


    Edit: I dont need help anymore since i am returning the NUC... I dont have nerves for this kind of thing

    Edited once, last by Wordstar (April 19, 2018 at 4:28 PM).

  • Most NUC devices need to have the firmware/BIOS updated before Linux boots/plays nice. Unfortunately Intel only provide a Windows updater so you'll need to boot Windows and handle that there first.