Upgraded but still have OpenElec in the menus

  • After struggling with OpenElec on a PI2 being some what unstable since the last update and getting no support or even a positive feeling that things will improve, i decided to look for an alternative.

    Libre was recommended and i assumed that i would need to do a lot of tinkering, but today i just added the TAR into the update folder and rebooted and the upgrade happened quickly and without incident.

    I am now on libreELEC and all looks good.. Even my Hyperion lights work..

    So great work on developing LibreELEC.

    But i just noticed that in the SYSTEM menu, i still have OpenELEC as a sub menu and when i select it, nothing happens.

    Is this expected bahavour? Is there a way to remove the menu? Should there be a LibreELEC sub menu instead?

    Thanks in advance for any info you can give.


  • LibreELEC different issue but probably the same cause.

    That certainly could be it. I do have a copy of the skin as i modified the default one to give a countdown timer.

    Will clean that up and see what happens.

    Is there a LibreELEC setting sscreen like there was with OE?

  • LibreELEC different issue but probably the same cause.

    That certainly was the problem.. But now I am not sure what to do.

    If I go into settings and look at my skins, I have 3.. One is Confluence.. The other 2 are my modified ones.

    If I switch to the standard "Confluence", then immediatly the OpenElec option dissappears and its replaced by LibreELEC...

    But this Skin lacks a feature that I heavily rely on (a countdown timer).. As soon as I switch back to my modified skin, I get my timer, but now the OpenELEC menu option re-appears.

    Where do I go from here? Could I just use my modified one until I need the LibreELEC menus (Which is pretty rare), or is there a better soliution? Perhaps I just need to remodify the standard Confluence skin again, "post" upgrade?


    Edit: That was easy.. I drilled down into my modified 'skin' folder and did a search (grep -i) for "openelec" and found 2 entries, both in a file named "IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml", and I simply replaced "openelec" with "libreelec" and all is now working:

    LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons/skin.confluence.jon15/720p # grep -i openelec *
    IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml: <label>OpenELEC</label>
    IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml: <onclick>RunAddon(service.openelec.settings)</onclick>

    LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons/skin.confluence.jon15/720p # grep -i libre *
    IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml: <label>LibreELEC</label>
    IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml: <onclick>RunAddon(service.libreelec.settings)</onclick>


    Edited once, last by Jweaver (August 7, 2016 at 11:02 PM).