Starting the program with an external library in libreelec

  • Hello. I am trying to run a my program written in c that uses the external library. Unfortunately, during startup the system can not find the library even though it is in the same directory as the program. I can not copy it to the lib directory (read only) . Is there any advice? Sorry for my GoogleEnglish :)

    Edited once, last by rigelinorion (April 14, 2018 at 9:53 AM).

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set automatically for addons so you could add your libraries to folder /storage/.kodi/addons/some_folder_name/lib.

    But if you start your program from some script just set variable there.

  • II added the program as a service declaring the variable in the bash script and everything works fine. Now program starts up during the start as it should. Thank you again for your help.