Is it possiable I can able install NETFLIX in LibrELEC 8.2.4 Intel NUC?

  • Hi Guys,

    I can able to watch Netflix in living room using Amazon Firestick -

    But can I able install add on Netflix for my Intel Nuc LibreElec 8.2.4 so that I can watch in home cinema?

    Is LibreElec support Netflix?

    Also I would like auto update LibreElec 8.2.3 to 8.2.4 automatically on Kodi instead using bootable Usb image file?

    How can I do this one?


  • Netflix requires crypto support that is only available in Kodi v18, so you need to use an LE 9.0 development build not LE 8.2.4 (Kodi v17).

    Unless you have disabled auto-update, all official LE release will (by default) auto-update from 8.2.3 to 8.24 (to 8.2.5, etc.). You can manually update using the LE settings add-on.

  • Chewitt

    Thanks for your quick reply -

    Right, where I can get LE 9.0 development build? 

    Disabled auto-update?

    Where is on LE Setting?

    Manually update using the LE settings add-on-

    How is it done manually using LE Setting?

    Please let me know-


  • Hi,

    I don't want use LibreELEC USB-SD Creator to create image file 8.2.4 & than I create USB bootable for my Intel NUC -

    On LibreELEC 8.2.3 version on setting I've kept as on default - automatically update but it doesn't update to 8.2.4 even when I reboot or suspended mode NUC?

    Note my local network and WAN router file sharing from NAS and my laptop is all OK and ping with no packets loss -

    And NUC gateway is also OK -

    The problem my Nuc is located in HC room and every time new LE version comes out - Then I have remove NUC & connect to HDMI Monitor and boot up USB using new LE file -


  • My NUC won't always auto-update either. I place the .gz file into Libreelec's "update" folder via a Windows 10 networked computer. In Windows Explorer I enter \\ to access the NUC running Libreelec.

    xxx = your NUC's IP Address which is visable is Kodi's System / System Info

  • Hi,

    Yes u r right, Auto update do not work for me but in my LE system - setting the Update Channel was on LE - 7.0

    I have set it to LE - 8.0 then I did it manually for update to LE 8.2.4 and reboot Nuc. Update LE 8.2.4 is all ok.


    Thanks for sending me Milhouse build link-

    Can I able to add latest Milhouse tar building on existing LE 8.2.4 in my Intel Nuc?

    Download latest tar & sitting on Pc desktop....

    Let me know


  • I think a fresh install is required for the LE 9.0 builds, but I'm not sure. Remember, they are in the "development" stage, so they may not be stable. I would try running LE 9.0 from a USB drive to see how it works before installing it.