LibreElec on Mac Mini (2010, intel 2.4 Ghz Nvidia) unstable booting

  • Hi All,

    Here's what I did:

    downloaded the app from libreelec, created a bootable usb based on:

    - generic AMD.....

    - 8.2.3 image

    Restarted the mac mini with usb stick and completely wiped the mac hd and installed LibreElec. Now the problem:

    When the mac mini boots, you first see a white screen (approx 25 seconds) then it goes to black with the LibreElec logo and shortly after that it boots up kodi.

    Most of the time when you reboot or shutdown and boot it will hang during the white screen. and you just cannot do anything.
    Also it's very weird it takes 25 seconds until the LibreElec black screen appears.

    During the white screen SSH seems to work, but I have no idea how to troubleshoot this.

    Perhaps you can help troubleshoot what is happening here and how to fix this ?

    thanks in advance!!

  • LibreELEC:~ # journalctl -b 0 --no-pager | paste



    short update:

    when I start my mac mini and I hold down the ALT button (to choose from different OSes, here just on OS running btw since i wiped everything) and i pick the only choice i have, it immediately goes to the black screen with libreelec logo and starts kodi within a few seconds.

    So i guess it has to do something with the boot (POST) service/sequence of the mac mini . You can't really change anything in the mac startup as far as I know.

    Edited once, last by dalma (March 6, 2018 at 11:51 AM).

  • perhaps install rEFInd as the boot selector, ISTR there's a thread on that in here somewhere

    Installing refind is all nice when you know what you're talking about and that is not the case with me.

    I only want one OS running on my mac mini and that is libreelec. I don't want to use the system from mac but use refind. When i install refind using ubuntu and then install libreelec with the usb stick libreelec doesn't give you any option to install it on a specific partition but uses the entire disk thus wiping the refind installation as well and i end up with that crappy startup from mac mini that is just too instable to work with.

    if libreelec gave the option to install the software on a specific partition i created than it wouldn't be a problem but it just once to wipe the entire disk.

  • I have a similar issue on same hardware.

    I made a fresh install for a long time now (coming from OE3.2.4 with the howto from showthread.php?tid=62833)

    Now when I'm booting the Mac, after 10 sec of blank screen it turns into black with message "no bootable device".

    If I hold the option key during boot and choose "EFI boot" HDD, Libreelec starts normally.

    I'm searching for hours now to fix it without success.

    I remember that with the old OE installation the HDD was not named "EFI boot" but "Windows".

    So I tried to modify the partition table of the harddrive using rEFInd, also without success...

    Hope someone can help...

    Thank you!

    Edited once, last by whiley85 (May 20, 2018 at 7:31 AM).