[SOLVED] Le Potato (S905X), adamg's 8.90.3 build, WinTV dualHD near success - what's missing?

  • Hi all,

    I've a WinTV Hauppauge dualHD DVB-T/T2/C USB card, and I set it up under Raspberry Pi/xbian/tvheadend successfully, could scan DVB-C and DVB-T2 and watch TV - i.e. card works in principle (only one tuner, but that's OK at the moment). Now I attached the same card to the Libre Computer Le Potato, and have only partial success. From dmesg I see that even both tuners are recognized, but they do not show up as devices in /dev - there isn't even a /dev/dvb folder! dmesg looks very similar to Raspberry/xbian, with three notable exceptions: First, the i2c-bus is not added on Le Potato. Second, potentially as a result of the first, the firmware file dvb-demod-si2168-b40-01.fw, although present, is not loaded. Third: There's a warning that this is a downport of the driver, which is originally created for kernel v4, not v3. Hauppauge itself claims support only for v4. Of course as a result of all this tvheadend does not see any tuner. Still, it looks like I'm almost there - anyone can help me do the final step?

    More details -

    I did:

    • Install LibreELEC-LePotato.arm-8.90.3 from kszaq adamg with updated kernel 3.14.29
    • Added the LibeELEC Modules config (or it was already there; dunno anymore...)
    • Started the latter and selected the WinTV Hauppauge DVB-drivers
    • Installed tvheadend 4.3 and the HTSP client
    • At some point tried to put above's firmware file into /usr/lib/kernel-overlays/base/lib/firmware/updates

    Here's the dmesg output (Le Potato):

    For comparison, here's dmesg from the xbian/Raspberry:

    EDIT here's also lsmod from the Le Potato:

    Would be glad to get this up'n'running...

    kszaq: Any chance to go for kernel v4?



    Edited 2 times, last by Hauke (February 17, 2018 at 11:36 AM).

  • Hi kszaq,

    sorry, indeed I did not look properly, I took admag's image, this is the one linked by Libre Computer. Honestly, I was not aware that there are actually at least three community builds! It's good to learn this - will try out the other builds and see if i'm more successful.

    GDPR-2: Sorry for denying you the credit due :) Thanks for your work!

    kszaq: With regard to the kernel I understand that it comes from amlogic directly - but is it not that there are blobs for their GPU etc., and you could build other kernels around? Sorry for asking stupid questions - I've no experience with kernel development...



  • Update: just tried the LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2- from kszaq (this time it's right :) ), and lo and behold, the WinTV is working - as it looks only one tuner, but still, better than nothing. Indeed it seems to be the i2c bus that somehow goes AWOL with adamg's build.

    Here's dmesg from kszaq's image:

  • Amlogic does not provide a V4L2 driver for any of their current hardware. In the long-term they will probably write one for their next generation AX chips but I doubt they will ever spend $$ to create one for the current GX series. To support GX era chips the focus will be an FFmpeg module which allows Kodi to handle rendering while FFmpeg deals with decoding - this is how the Rockchip RKMPP pipeline is being implemented.

    At the moment i'm experimenting with a WeTek Hub on 4.14 kernel, but mostly to find/fix build system quirks and ensure the mainline device trees are correct. I can look at the Kodi GUI, but there is only software decoding, which isn't practical for real-world use.

  • Played around a bit with kszaq's image: Channel scan works, but as soon as I watch a DVB-T2 HVEC channel (I have no others :) ), tvheadend drowns in continuity errors and image and sound are stuttering or even breaking down. On Raspberry Rev 2 with kernel 4.something/xbian it worked flawlessly. When I use the Raspberry for the card and connect the HTS PVR client on Le Potato to it, I can watch the channel with not problems. So, it is not a problem of hardware acceleration of HVEC, i'd say. It's either the experimaltal downport of the Hauppauge driver, or the USB of Le Potato is not performing.

    Anyone an idea how to figure it out?

    Can hardly believe it's USB - USB can hardly be worse as compared to the Raspberry. Honestly, I was quite surprised that it worked so well on the Raspberry.

  • Quick update: I finally figured out that picking the "hauppauge" drivers is not the best idea - I picked now "DVB drivers for TBS (CrazyCat)", and both tuners are recognized now - happy me! Thought "TBS" is for "TurboSight" DVB-cards - a little confusing to me.

    Just running a scan, lets see how good it works.

    EDIT: Scan's through, watching TV works nicely and stable, both tuners can be used - perfect! Thanks to crazycat for this!

  • Quick update: I finally figured out that picking the "hauppauge" drivers is not the best idea - I picked now "DVB drivers for TBS (CrazyCat)", and both tuners are recognized now - happy me! Thought "TBS" is for "TurboSight" DVB-cards - a little confusing to me.

    Just running a scan, lets see how good it works.

    EDIT: Scan's through, watching TV works nicely and stable, both tuners can be used - perfect! Thanks to crazycat for this!

    The reason why you see both tuner is patch added by me to crazycat driver addons.


  • Oh, that doesn't sound too promising... I was not aware that amlogic is that unsupportive... Thanks for explaining.

    Amlogic aren't at the front of the charge towards V4L2 but they aren't last in the race either and I wouldn't call them unsupportive. There is ongoing effort from them, but as is often the case, their "open source" development is done behind closed doors and even when you have direct contact with Engineering staff (as we do) it can be difficult to track where things are and things often just appear without announcement.