audio stutters when playing through library

  • Hello,

    Have a weird issue since kodi 16.1/libreelec 7.0.0-002.
    Audio files, mostly flac played in library is stuttering, however same files played direct from folder do not stutter.
    HD audio in movies/series do not stuter.
    Changing the audio settings from default to any other does not change this behavior, better or worse.
    My setup is a asrock beebox n3150 connected to a yamaha rx-671 receiver (HDMI).
    I do not notice that signal is broken or stuttering at receiver level.
    Any cliues?

    Kind regards

    Edited once, last by jrbonger (August 2, 2016 at 8:37 PM).

  • could you please enable debug logging in your system settings, then reboot the machine and after that trying to play a flac which stutters and one which doesn´t. After the playback of both files please provide a debuglog:


    Hello, is attached.
    I've played zero 7 - i have seen.
    First direct, second with library.
    At least one stutter with library.