tvHeadend settings to achieve better picture on Wetek Play2

  • Hi all,

    after some months of usage of the Android based ROM on WP2 (both the stock one and the Ricardo's ATV version) I've decided to move onto LibreELEC.

    The main reason is that with Android I've got several issues in my home setup regarding basically HDMI-CEC, and synch of all the devices (e.g. using the ATv, whenever I select the input "Media Player" on my Marantz AVR, the WP2 went in suspended mode with red led in front...).

    Anyway, I boot from the SDCard, LE opens and runs perfectly, HDMI-CEC works wery well and I rebuild my video Library picking up them as usual from my NAS.

    Then I configure tvHeadEnd (obviously both backend and frontend) using its Web interface from my Windows PC. In addition I mounted a shared folder of my NAS, using a script running at LE startup, to configure it as recording location. Fine, all is perfectly configured and up and running.

    The only drawback is the picture quality during playback. Comparing the same TV channel on WP2-LibreELEC or directly on my TV there's a big difference.

    How can I improve that? Which are the best settings on Kodi\LibreELEC side to achieve the same picture quality?

    I suppose to work Kodi->Settings->... but where? Are there any other settings specifics to Kodi tvHeadEnd addon or do I need to work on the tvHeadEnd Web interface under the Configuration Tab?



  • What exactly you don't like in picture quality? What encoding and resolution of the channels you watch?

    I tried to watch both standard SD channels and HD (1024i) ones. I catch a difference between the picture managed by the TV digital tuner and the correspondant one managed by tvHeadend. Generally speaking the first one is always better. Anyhow, maybe there are some settings inside Kodi\LibreElec to obtain a better result.... honestly I don't know....

  • It is hard to understand what differences you see in image quality without being able to see it personally or detailed description of the differences.

    What display mode you have set in Kodi?

  • I set to 4K, but AFAIK the screen resolution is related only to Kodi UI, hasn't any influence on content playback (from tuner by tvHeadend or streaming from a local content like a mkv file). I assume that even the Kodi UI resolution is set to FullHD, if I play a 4K movie, the screen resolution changes.... (at least, this is what happens on the Android version of Kodi...AFAIK)

    Edited once, last by mancio61 (February 6, 2018 at 3:29 PM).

  • Oh! I'm not sure to understand.. I try to explain you what I've understood

    Kodi UI set to 4K: 4K video no problem, lower resolution video (HD, SD) are upscaled to 4K

    Kodi UI set to HD: HD video no problem, SD upscaled to HD... 4K..? .. Downscaled to HD?

  • I have same problem as you, the quality of SD channels (576i) are awful ,the hd channels (1080i) just not bad and 4k channels (2160p) are fine . I don't see any interlacing artifact as picture above but the colors are washed out and are not vibrant. even in WETV in android picture quality is far better. if development team has wetek play2 which officially supported box you can compare it with any other satellite receiver, and for sure you will understand what i'm talking about. this problem only exist when i watching DVB-S/S2 satellite channels but my video collection plays fine without this problem.

  • Aroosha Perhaps there are some differences in picture quality on WP2 vs some TVs or satellite receivers, but for sure there can't be any difference in LE vs Android on the same box when using HW video decoding. Both use same kernel and same HW decoder and video renderer.

    Make sure you have HW acceleration enabled for all codecs in Kodi settings.