On a RPi Zero W, Bluetooth adapter not working with external hard drive plugged in

  • After reinstalling Libreelec many times, and trying two different Raspberry Pi Zero W's, I found that when the Hard Drive is plugged in while booting up, Bluetooth doesn't work. It is disabled in services, but when i re-enable it, the Bluetooth section says 'No Adapter Found'. After removing the external HD, it's working fine. Plugging the drive in after booting up works fine as well. I have a decent power supply, and no yellow lightning bolts in the upper right corner. Is this a bug perhaps?

  • I don't know enough about pi firmware internals to make a proper comment, but I doubt the "lightning bolts" appear until things are booted, so power issues during boot itself may not be on-screen visible. Also, from past experience, iIf it smells like a power problem, it is probably a power problem.