video stops playing with 1sec+ audio offsets

  • Hi all,

    I recently bought a new speaker set that uses WLAN for Multi-room streaming. (

    however when correcting the expected audio delay, i find that if i set offsets larger than 1second ahead, the video stops playing.

    This is also true when i set this as default for all media, in these cases the video will just remain black and never plays at all. In case i than manually scroll the offset down again to below 1 second, the video start playing again.

    And than, i would need to slowly increment the offset until i reach my desired 3 sec offset. However i need to be super careful as when i upp it too quickly it will again get stuck and i need to start over again.


    Libreelec 8.2.2 (Kodi 17.6)

    on Asus chromebox (Celeron 2955u 1.4Ghz, 8GB mem, 64GB local ssd)

    The problem exists for most video: local, LAN and WAN streaming. Some work with this setting, but most not :(

    any help to troubleshoot this is highly appreciated.

  • 1: yes, i'll figure out how to do this tomorrow.

    2: indeed, out of those that work i found videos playing fine with 1.750 offset, but some others appear to need much more (i know not making much sense)

  • alright slow reply sorry, crazy week at work and little time for anything. Anyway i managed to pull a debug-log today i hope would assist troubleshooting.


    - clean restart of the box (without library scanning)

    - leave it for a minute

    - navigate straight to a test movie file (took one off the internet for easy reference)

    - let it play for exactly one minute before stopping it

    - wait another 10sec or so, and pulled the file off the box via ssh



    - 14:54:14.491 T:140143839213696 --> this is where i started playing the movie, i inserted a double empty line for easy identification

    - at the time of playing, the audio off set was set to 2 seconds

    - the one thing that seems off, and might be a good indicator is the repetitive line: WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer


    - Most movies start crapping out with an audio delay above 0.8 sec, which i guess is still a very normal delay for most setups

    - Even the Apple screensaver stops playing when i put the audio delay above 1 sec (even with locally cached files)

    - my setup should have plenty of resources to handle this

  • Code
    14:53:24.911 T:140143839213696 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.kodil
    14:53:24.911 T:140143839213696 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.colossus
    14:53:24.911 T:140143839213696 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.alleyezonme

    Why don't you first start by removing all banned repositories and their addon crap from your LibreELEC setup, so that we deal with a clean Kodi device. And then play your test file again.

  • Thats maybe not a bad idea, this setup is years old and i have been experimenting with it a lot over time. I will do a totally clean setup and report back later this week. There shouldn't be any 'funky' add-ons installed atm, however there might be leftovers from past things i have tried.

    Thanks so far for your patience and replies.

  • understood i know the rules and live by them, i too had my fair share of issues with Crapware, and dont risk the wife's shouting when the box doesnt work :D

    I did a clean installation: ZeroBin

    setup procedure:

    - burn a new USB installation stick with the official tool

    - boot from usb, install from usb

    - attach my NAS SMB-shares following: how_to:mount_network_share [LibreELEC]

    - no further settings changes, apart from the audio output (analog 3.5mm output)

    and as i was already fearing, the log is full of this:

    21:22:14.969 T:139965098866432 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
    21:23:13.656 T:139966407363904 WARNING: Previous line repeats 703 times.

    and again the problems start with a delay larger than 0.8 or 1 second

  • ok, done more testing and after playing with optimising my SMB server without too much result i decided to not use the network at all.

    so copied a file to the local SSD /storage/.. and played it from there. no luck still having buffer problems... :S this is a bit strange to me.


    20:17:30.244 T:140173211846400 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
    20:17:33.695 T:140174434716992 WARNING: Previous line repeats 41 times.

    so what should i be looking at next ? are my render capabilities to weak ? the ChromeBox is similar in hardware to a NUC, all Intel based, and should have more than enough juice to pull this off, right?

    /me starting to stare clueless at my box

  • Code
    14:53:24.911 T:140143839213696 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.kodil
    14:53:24.911 T:140143839213696 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.colossus

    You were requested earlier to get rid of the 'crapware', being illegal Kodi addons, from your LibreELEC setup. Apparently that crapware is still there, and thus still messing with your system.

    No support until a fully clean log file is presented.

  • How is that even possible? i reinstalled from scratch from usbstick ?

    I didnt even bother to install a skin or anything after the reinstall, so i'm totally clueless as to why that would still show up? formatting the HDD is part of the installation....


    Looking at the timestamps of the log snippets you posted this looks like a misunderstanding, as they are from the first log. As requested i immediately did a full reinstall and have posted 2 clean logs since. You gave me a scare there for a minute.

    Edited 2 times, last by kamaradski (January 27, 2018 at 12:43 PM).