Help with output redirect please.

  • I have loaded my Rock64 with LibreElec, and I am also using it as my Samba server.

    I want to run a sync between the two USB hard drives I have attached to maintain a backup of my media.

    I can't seem to get the command quite right. I want to copy the data, and redirect the output to a text file so I can see what it is doing later on.

    I do want it to overwrite the old log file.

    This is the command I am trying to use:

    rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --homan-readable --progress  --stats --force --delete /var/media/8TB_WD/ /var/media/8TB_WD2/ |& tee /var/media/8TB_WD2/synclog.txt 
    -sh: syntax error: unexpected "&"

    I have also tried > but I get no log file output at all.

    rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --homan-readable --progress  --stats --force --delete /var/media/8TB_WD/ /var/media/8TB_WD2/ > /var/media/8TB_WD2/synclog.txt 

    If I cut off the redirect, it outputs to bash exactly what I would expect, but I can't get it to output to a log file.

    Works with output to bash ->

    rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --homan-readable --progress  --stats --force --delete /var/media/8TB_WD/ /var/media/8TB_WD2/

    Can someone make a suggestion. I am probably missing something crazy simple, but just can't see it.

    PS for some reason the word is censored here. Please replace the homan with when reading my code above.

  • Maybe try

    rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --homan-readable --progress --log-file=var/media/8TB_WD2/synclog.txt --force --delete /var/media/8TB_WD/ /var/media/8TB_WD2/ &>/dev/null

  • It would be nice to get the output in the terminal and the log file, but I can live with not having it in the terminal.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but no luck. The rsync starts, but there is no log file.

    I am using almost identical code on my dd-wrt router, and it works there as expected.

    rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --progress  --stats --force --delete /tmp/mnt/8TB_USB/ /tmp/mnt/5TB_Seagate_USB/ > /tmp/mnt/8TB_USB/rsync_Status.txt

    Edited once, last by wizardknight (December 22, 2017 at 12:56 AM).

  • from the man page

    This option causes rsync to log what it is doing to a file.  This is similar to the logging that  a  daemon  does,  but  can  be
    requested  for  the client side and/or the server side of a non-daemon transfer.  If specified as a client option, transfer log‐
    ging will be enabled with a default format of "%i %n%L".  See the --log-file-format option if you wish to override this..
  • Just tried both suggestions, and there was no log file created.

    Suggestion #1

    rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --progress --log-file=/var/media/8TB_WD2/synclog.txt --force --delete /var/media/8TB_WD/ /var/media/8TB_WD2/ &>/dev/null

    Suggestion #2

    rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --progress --force --delete /var/media/8TB_WD/ /var/media/8TB_WD2/ 2>&1 | tee /var/media/8TB_WD2/synclog.txt

    Terminal output:

    ^CLibreELEC:/var/media/8TB_WD2/Media/Movies # rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --progress --force --delete /var/media/8TB_WD/ /var/media/8TB_WD2/ 2>&1 | tee /var/media/8TB_WD2/synclog.txt
    sending incremental file list
    deleting synclog.txt
    Media/Epsoides/Hogans Heroes/Hogans.Heroes.S1.DVDRip/
    Media/Epsoides/Hogans Heroes/Hogans.Heroes.S1.DVDRip/Hogans.Heroes.1x32.dvdrip.xvid-BBBear_TMindTV.avi
            314.32M 100%   50.49MB/s    0:00:05 (xfr#1, ir-chk=1013/63529)

    Second SSH to check for log file:

    Am I missing something, or is the system not working right?

    I feel like an idiot. I can't see any reason why all of these would fail to generate some kind of output file.

    I did just notice a .fuse_hidden0000f49000000005 file being created when I kick off these commands.

    I am assuming that is a temp file for rsync, but it is the only thing at the root of that drive which is new.

    It also vanishes when I kill the rsync command.

    Thanks for the suggestions. :)

    Maybe I need to get out my voodoo chicken bones and grass skirt...

    Could be running low on magic smoke.

    Edited 2 times, last by wizardknight (December 22, 2017 at 9:45 PM).

  • I didn’t test to output the log to the destination disk maybe is getting deleted at the end. Try another location maybe /storage for the log file

    I redirected the log to storage, and it worked. A gold star to you.

    rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --progress --log-file=/storage/backup/synclog.txt --force --delete /var/media/8TB_WD/ /var/media/8TB_WD2/ &>/dev/null
    LibreELEC:~/backup # ls

    Now the question is why can't I write to my external HD as root? That is just all kinds of special.


    Can you tell me why is a censored word? I have to admit I am curious.

    Is this place ran by aliens, or powered by the screams of children? That would make sense.

  • No I don't know, I was going to correct you on your options, but it wouldn't let me, and I realised that your post was deliberately misspelled.

    I'll see if someone higher up the foad chain can help with that.

    PS apparently f o o d is banned too.

  • No I don't know, I was going to correct you on your options, but it wouldn't let me, and I realised that your post was deliberately misspelled.

    I'll see if someone higher up the foad chain can help with that.

    PS apparently f o o d is banned too.

    It must be aliens. They don't want the secret getting out. Homans are f00d!


  • Resolved.

    I am not sure how, but I can redirect to my external hd now.

    The command is the same as the one I first tried.

    rsync -rav --modify-window=300 --homan-readable --progress  --stats --force --delete /var/media/8TB_WD/ /var/media/8TB_WD2/ > /var/media/8TB_WD2/synclog.txt

    I guess I was not biting my tongue just right.

    Now to stick it in cron and see if it plays nice there...