Backup not working correctly

  • Hi, I have 8.2 on an Intel Nuc with Kodi 17.4. I did a backup via Libreelec program last week and since then I updated to Kodi 17.6.

    The problem is that in Kodi 17.6 videos judder so I restored the backup to come back to my working 17.4

    All went well, I have the library I had when I made the backup, except the Kodi version is still 17.6 and videos judder.

    I thought maybe, during restore it updated automatically Kodi, so I did a new restore with no network, with the same result.

    I don't understand, how is this possible? I thought that a restore will bring the system to the exact config of the backup ?!!

    Thank you for your help,


  • kodi isn't upgraded or downgraded with the backup.

    You have to upgrade or downgrade LibreELEC to change the kodi version

  • Hi, well then what's the point of a system backup if it does not restore the whole system to the point of the backup?!

    I thought that a system backup will do exactly that, backup the version of Libreelec with everything in it. Otherwise it's just a kodi backup and not a libreelec backup. What's the difference then between backup addon in Kodi and libreelec backup?!

    And how do I downgrade libreelec? Is this possible?

    Thank you,


  • The GUI help text for the Backup option is:


    Create a tar archive containing all LibreELEC and Kodi configuration settings, databases and thumbnail content. Backup files will be stored in /storage/backups

    The option is called the System Backup because it will backup all of the systems data.

    Backing up the OS as well as the data is completely unnecessary, not to mention pointless, as how else would you be able to restore the data from a 17.4 backup on a 17.6 system if the restore always took you back to a 17.4 system? If you actually want to go back to 17.4 then downgrade the OS, then restore your 17.4 data.

    There's no need to include LibreELEC itself in the data backup because upgrading/downgrading is so easy - simply drop the .tar or .img.gz file in the Samba Update folder and reboot. You can find all releases in the archive.