Recent Issue: Must Restart NUC (Black Screen) To Use LibreELEC After Changing Receiver Input

  • Hello,

    I keep LibreELEC running basically 24/7 on my Intel NUC (NUC6CAYH) and it's been fine for around 10 months. (It is wonderful as a poor man's video file server, with LibreELEC's super simple SMB settings.) I also use it as a player though. For the past month or so, when I change the input on my receiver to the NUC, I must restart the device in order to use LibreELEC. (It's still running, as I can copy files to and from the device on the network, etc...but it has a black screen and nothing can wake it up other than a full restart.) This only occurs if LE has been allowed to sit for a while - if I switch receiver inputs and go right back, LE is fine.

    FYI, I to restart, I can soft-press my NUC's power button - and I see LibreELEC 8.2.0 Official in the top left, followed by what appear to be proper shutdown CLI notifications. I'm glad that I'm not having to do a long-press power-button initiated shutdown each time, at least. It is interesting that pressing the power button makes the display show output...

    This could be an issue with my receiver, a specific port, the NUC, LibreELEC (I feel like this is unlikely, but it IS the only thing changed in the environment, as I've moved from 8.1 to 8.2, etc.)

    My setup is NUC [HDMI out] -----> Sony Receiver (It's older.... ST-DGR910) [HDMI out] ------> 2014 Samsung 1080p Plasma.

    TiVo Bolt, Apple TV 5th Gen, and Sony Blu-Ray player all have no issue, so it's not the cable from the receiver to the TV. I already tested using a different HDMI cable from the NUC to the receiver - no luck.

    Does anyone have any thoughts? Anything at all is welcome. Thanks in advance.


  • I have had almost the exact same problem for the last few months. Intel i5 NUC to Yamaha Receiver to Sony LCD (hdmi cables). When I fire up the system using a Logitech Harmony 650 remote, the entire system comes on but the screen is black. I have to switch the receivers input back and forth once or twice to finally see the Kodi screen. I can also get it to work by turning just the TV and Cable Box on, then switching to Kodi using the Logitech remote. This has been quite annoying. I was thinking my NUC or Yamaha was the cause until I saw your post.

    I have a second identical NUC downstairs that I should bring up to test.

    Edit: I don't actually power down the NUC's - I put them in suspend (pwr led blinks).

    Edited once, last by blueribb (November 10, 2017 at 9:20 PM).

  • i had a lot of problems with my nuc6cayh and trying to use a custom edid using 'getedid' if my avr was either on the wrong hdmi input or powered down when the nuc was booted i had the same black screen that could only be solved by rebooting the nuc. it appears to be a kernel/driver issue according to the Libreelec team.

  • I think I fixed my black screen issue. I added a 3 second delay to my Logitech Harmony 650 remote for the Intel NUC's Power On (Wake) command. I guess this gave time for the hdmi handshake sequence to complete.

  • Is there a reason you leave your NUC on 24 hrs ? This little guy can generate some heat and would surely last longer if you shut it off when not being used. I programmed my Harmony 650 to turn on the TV, Receiver and finally the NUC (with a 3-second delay). All HDMI handshake issues are now gone (no more black screen).

    By the way, I found another thread with the same issue that you have here: Turning TV back on results in blank black screen

  • I don't have the funds to purchase a dedicated NAS at the current moment, so I'm using the NUC / LibreELEC + 4TB USB 3.0 HDD as my video file server, basically. The NUC6CAYH is a low-cost NUC, so if it croaks, I'll be sad, but it won't be devastating.

    One of these days, I'll have a properly set up NAS with RAID. My biggest worry is that all of my files aren't backed up regularly. (I do it manually maybe once every 6-10 weeks. But the external HDD is actually an internal HDD in a nice $40 case w/fan, and it's the HGST Deskstar NAS 7200rpm 4TB; very reliable line from the research that I've done.