Choose language and keyboard layout on first boot

  • Hi

    When I install LibreELEC if have to change "Language", "Region" and "Keyboard layouts"

    One problem is, that when you choos the language the menu jumps back to 1. entry "Skin". So some user can think thats is all they have to change

    Other problem is that you may add some movies bevore and read infos from the database

    I know from some linux distributions (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, ...) that when thay ask you during installation for language. And if you choose something like German the Region and especally the keyboard layout also changes.

    edit: I also think users who change language wand to gat the movie database informations in there choosen language. So also asking for that information would avoi the problem, that wou update movie informations, see it is EN (default). Than change Addon-language to you language. Update movie informations and nothing happens, because if is only lookinf for new informations...

    It would be a great way to make LibreELEC more user friendly :)

    Edited once, last by oxid12 (July 22, 2016 at 6:49 PM).

  • I guess it's not that easy. For german users it is. But take a look at the keyboard layouts yourself and which are available....

    There is "English QWERTY" and "Englisch AZERTY". Which one would you think should be used automaticallly if the choosen language is English? And what about a user who want to have it different? What about users from a country where no specific keyboard layout exists...India or Italy for example?

    So I guess this won't happen. I'm just thinking of a french user who will live in a different country. So that user might need the french language, the french keyboard layout, but a different it gets more and more complicated to fit any user case. For now it's the same for everyone. Everybody has to change the settings. There are some automated ways if you use CEC. As for that Kodi gets its informations to which the TV is set to and select the specific language directly.


    I agree that the menu shouldn't jump back to the first entry of that settings menu after the language change, so that users could notice there might be other settings to change. For this, as it's the standard skin for Kodi itself (and I would say it's a skin thing), I guess you should report at:

    Kodi Community Forum - Estuary

    The other thing you mentioned (set the movie scraping) won't happen, I guess...there are still movies on the database Kodi scrapes from which aren't avaible in any given language. So nearly for the same case like explained above (for users from India for example), they have to set the scraper to EN instead of their mother language. Because if the scraper might be set otherwise, it might not find ANY movie, because it simply doesn't exist in the database for that given language.

  • I just postet the "menu jump" issue to the KODI forum.

    For the other problem, may it is possible to add a "First Run" dialog where we can choose Language, Region and Keyboard Layout. Every PC, TV and mobile phone have this on the first run or during installation. This would also add the opportunity to add later other options for first run. And when it is to complicated to add also language change for movie informations we can add a small info label on the button of this "Language and Regional Settings" Dialog that the user have to change movie informations addon from default language EN if he want this.

    This would be a gread step forward in user experience :)

    First Window:
    ## First Run Setup ##

    * Language and Regional Settings

    [Skip] [Continue]

    Second Window:
    ## Language and Regional Settings ##

    Language [####]
    Region [####]
    Keyboard layout [####]

    Default language for movie information are English.
    You can change this in the AddOn-settings

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