dmix feature on internal AMLM8AUDIO sound card (kszaq S9xx build)

  • I was playing a bit with ALSA sound on kszaq LibreELEC (S905x box)

    trying to run this command:

    aplay -D dmix test.wav

    I got error 'slave plugin does not support mmap interleaved or mmap non interleaved access'

    (I also trying same command on external usb sound card without any problem)

    it seem AMLM8AUDIO dmix feature has been stripped from S9xx build.

    I believe AMLM8AUDIO sound card support dmix as I see on S805 build

    Is there any specific reason, why AMLM8AUDIO dmix feature removed from S9xx LibreELEC build ?

    Is it ok if I activate dmix feature by editing AML-M8AUDIO.conf ?

    Thank you

  • The alsa configuration in Amlogic kernels is a hack, so don't expect things to work correctly. Things should improve once we move up to a mainline kernel from the 3.14 Android based crapfest we are currently stuck with. There is no schedule for that yet.. before you ask.