Wireless regulatory domain

  • Hi,

    I'm using @kszaq's build for S905(d) on my Mecool Ki Pro. Firstly, thank you very much to all for their hard work on this. All is working well, with the exception of being unable to connect to my 5GHz network, which works fine on the built in Android. As I see other 5G wifi networks in the network list, I suspect this is to do with available channels and regulatory domain, which seems to be confirmed by the following output on running iw reg get which returns:

    country 00: DFS-UNSET
        (2402 - 2472 @ 40), (6, 20), (N/A)
        (2457 - 2482 @ 40), (6, 20), (N/A), PASSIVE-SCAN
        (2474 - 2494 @ 20), (6, 20), (N/A), NO-OFDM, PASSIVE-SCAN
        (5170 - 5250 @ 160), (6, 20), (N/A), PASSIVE-SCAN
        (5250 - 5330 @ 160), (6, 20), (N/A), DFS, PASSIVE-SCAN
        (5490 - 5730 @ 160), (6, 20), (N/A), DFS, PASSIVE-SCAN

    However running iw reg set GB makes no difference. I have also tried creating /etc/modprobe.d/cfg80211.conf which contains:

    options cfg80211 ieee80211_regdom=GB

    But to no avail.

    Dmesg just after boot returns the following: TaaP

    and kodi.log is: ObIT

    Does anyone have any other ideas on how I can set the regdom, or if I am barking up altogether the wrong tree?

    Many thanks.

  • This would be my guess:

    LibreELEC.tv/linux.arm.conf at libreelec-8.2 · kszaq/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub

    Your build has no regulatory database installed, so specifying GB is meaningless as the kernel has no way of knowing what frequencies are permitted for that domain. Once the internal wireless regulatory database is enabled (this will need a new build) you should be able to configure a non-World domain.

    Note that "iw reg set GB" may not work even with a reg db, but the modprobe method should work (once the kernel has access to a reg db).

    That said, the World (00) domain should work with most access points so there's still a chance you're barking up the wrong tree, unless your AP is configured to use domain-specific bands/channels.

  • Thanks very much for the reply, and that would certainly explain not being able to set it. kszaq, is that something that could be enabled in a future build?

    My access point is currently set to channel 100, which from what I can see is within the frequency range allowed by the world domain so to my untrained eye it looks like it should still work even without setting the reg domain, as you say. I'll continue hunting to see if it is something unrelated to reg domain.

  • Many thanks both. Curiously iwlist wlan0 frequency returns:

    wlan0     no frequency information.

    However iw phy gives:

    which indeed doesn't include channel 100. I'll try switching to one of the channels listed above. I know the hardware supports channel 100 as I could connect in Android, but until I either manage to set up a build environment and try building with the regdom included, or it is added to the build (:)) I'll either switch channel or use 2.4GHz.

    Thanks again both, and too all how develop help with Kodi/LibreElec