No db made in mysql server

  • Hi all i have a problem making a shared db on my syno server,everything is updated to the latest and is working fine but i gett the message that my advancedsettings.xml isn't being loaded or read.

    And therefore doesn't make a db on the mysql server.

    I can't find anything else wrong in the logs why it acts this way,local db are made without a glitch.

    Any help appreciated.

    NOTICE: No settings file to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml)
    10:35:56.496 T:12768   ERROR: Error loading special://profile/advancedsettings.xml, Line 0
  • Perhaps some typo somewhere in the file, or you saved the file with the wrong editor.

    Use a text editor that can deal with Unix/Linux EOL(s), like NotePad++.

  • Yes relooked at the file thousands of times and still can't find it why.

    I will putt my advancedsetting here so you can all see and maybe you see what i don't,using notepad for editing files.

    By the way when i connect to the mysql db with putty i get response so the connection is open i guess,connectng by laptop with win10 where also is a kod running with same issue.