Solved: Framerate sync not working with 25fps sources

  • I have a Xtreamer Ultra 2 (nVidia graphics) and on LE (8.0.2 and 8.2.0) I noticed, that that the framerate doesn't properly sync with 25fps sources.

    The gui is set to 23.97 and the TV shows 24 when playing 25fp and i get glitches in audio (passthrough to the receiver).

    When i switch the gui to 25, the TV displays 25 and I get no sound at all. The same when I switch the gui to 30, TV 30, no sound.

    What additional info is needed to debug this problem?

  • ^ This is the xorg.conf I used to use to set specific (more accurate) modelines (actually on an Ultra2 board, but it's the TV that's relevant not the board being used). It's slightly different to yours - have a play.

    Another thing to try is the older nvidia driver, run:

    wget -O /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/96-nvidia.rules

    ^ this will force the 340.xx driver to be used, which might behave differently.

  • With the new xorg.conf

    GUI set to 60,

    playing 25fps material, TV displays 60, sound is present

    playing 24fps material, TV displays 24, sound is present

    GUI set to 25
    playing 25fps material, TV displays 25, no sound

    playing 24fps material, TV displays 24, sound is present

    GUI set to 24 or 23.98
    playing 24fps material, TV displays 24, sound is present
    playing 24fps material, TV displays 24, sound is present

    With the older driver and the new xorg.conf it woks as expected.

    With the older driver and my original xorg.conf it woks as expected.

  • It should be fine in Leia releases because we're still using the same Xorg based graphics stack and nvidia drivers. Right now it's unclear whether we will have nvidia support post-Leia but that's a longer story.. and nothing definite yet.