Internet access for client tethered to Pi3-LibreElec on VPN

  • Hi

    i want to access internet on my Windows laptop through the VPN link of my Pi3. The Pi3 is setup with LibreElec - VPNManager addon - Private Internet Access and has working internet access. I have tethering enabled though LibreElec settings. I can connect my laptop to this but it does not give access to the internet.

    Any ideas please?


  • Why wouldn't you use PIA directly on your laptop via their app? You can connect multiple devices all at once and manage the connections separately depending on what you're doing. There may also be a performance benefit to having multiple tunnels, or a separation of traffic to avoid one application slowing another

  • I do do that normally, but I end up with two different IP addresses the other side of PIA, even if the same location is chosen.

    I am looking for a way to keep certain services happy that like to see devices on the same IP address.

    Edited once, last by hoverdonkey (October 23, 2017 at 11:25 PM).

  • hi,

    i would like to do the exact same thing as hoverdonkey. as described the different ip adress makes problems for me. is that even possible to tether the vpn connection?

  • This is perfectly possible, you can use "ip rule" to do policy based routing and route tethered traffic through your tunnel. You'll need to NAT the traffic as well (using iptables).

  • i googled a bit for that but i couldnt find anything special. do you have a link with a guide or a tutorial for me? :saint:

    i could do it by my own, found the solution, so thx.

    Edited once, last by souuupl (October 28, 2017 at 10:39 AM).