smart playlist not updating

  • I made some playlists , so i can make customer TABs at Aeon NOX for KIDS-MOVIE, MOVIE, HOME-MOVIE

    These playlist are pointed to a special directory where these movies are storred

    But when i add a new movie in that directory where a playlist is pionted to, it will not be added in the playlist at my menu , when i press library update

    How to update playlist ?

    the only way i discovered is , go to video>files >directory press "C" and select add to library

    then kodi comes with a list or a proposal of which movie it will be. If i klick OK , then the movie will be added in my playlist

    This is a very cumbersome way to do

  • Library updates will update the Library. Playlists are a manually created list of things that can be things from the Library or from the non-Library videos view. Playlists are supposed to be manual. Hence everything works as expected.

  • Playlists or Smart Playlists?

    Playlists will not update automatically.

    Smart playlist should do - they filter library content.

    From your description in #1 I'm guessing they're smart playlists - so all you should have to do is update the library.

  • euuh yes sorry , it is a smart play list

    in the menu i choose PAD CONTAINS and the it is pionted to the directory

    maybe a setting is not correct . but when i klick on library update or auto update at startup(when it was selected)

    it will not update when i had added a move in the directory

    So i hope if somebody could help me on that , hou to update it simpel

  • It sounds as though 'library update' is where it's going wrong - so your files aren't actually being added to the library until you do the context-menu stuff. Posting the same question on the kodi forum with a link to a debug log (of a scan with at least one new movie) is probably the way to go.

    FWIW I have a bunch of smart playlists based on <path> and <starts with> that update fine.