8.1.2 freezes on RP3 with Edimax 7811UAC

  • Hi!

    I tried to get 5ghz Wifi working on a Pi3 with the latest LE 8.1.2

    The adapter is recognized and will connect to the 5ghz network but the system will freeze after 2-3 minutes while playing a file.

    The network is a 5ghz ac network on channel 40.

    Another edimax adapter on 2,4ghz is working fine so far.

    Anybody with the same problem and a possible solution?


  • I have the same trouble with my EW-7811UTC. Connects fine, but after a couple of minutes the playback/browsing freezes completely.

    Running on a Pi3 with LE 8.1.2

    Searching Google I found that is probably has something to do with an old driver and the kernel, but my knowledge of these things is limited...

    Please advise...