I use a 2.0 audio amp pluged to my NUC's USB port with LE dev build 921 (generic).
I really whish I could tweak the way movie's audio (5.1, 7.1, etc.) is downmixed to output speakers config, mainly adding some LFE (currently discarded) and playing with surround phase and levels.
Unfortunatly I can't find solution for that,
As I understand AudioDSP seems in between life and death and not included anymore. I've tried tweaking asound.conf with type route and ttables with no success and I've read about adding code to ActiveAEResampleFFMPEG.cpp (av_opt_set_double(m_pContext, "lfe_mix_level", 1.0, 0)
but I can't even find that file in LE.
Is there any proper way to achieve that ?