Anybody knows why on my tvheadend with LibreELEC I see just simple window with profile settings?
I found in google many pictures with advanced profile settings:
I need this advanced profiles to make transcoding for http streaming
Anybody knows why on my tvheadend with LibreELEC I see just simple window with profile settings?
I found in google many pictures with advanced profile settings:
I need this advanced profiles to make transcoding for http streaming
Have you set Configuration -> Server -> User Interface Level to "Advanced" or "Expert"
Have you set Configuration -> Server -> User Interface Level to "Advanced" or "Expert"
Yes, expert profile.
do you use an Intel/AMD HTPC ?
Thanks CvH for answer, I thought about your person to be excellent pro for this problem
So, first of all I'm using Raspberry Pi 2 with LE 8.1.2. I installed your mod of tvheadend GPU transcoding from this German forum:
WORKING very good, but.... I can't see picture when I choose "Watch TV" / select stream profile > webtv-h264-aac-matroshka for example. Do I need to install some additional codecs?
Maybe installing ffmpegx will help, but how to install this?
ffmpegx: initial package · CvH/LibreELEC.tv@0330545 · GitHub
the RPi version is not functional at the moment (it simply doesn't work from Tvh side)
you need to make some new "codec profile" then create a new stream profile - but like said currently not working for Rpi
I hope that is just "currently" Would be great making transcoding for RPi and tvheadend.
For example in my case I need transcoding because upload at home is to small (1Mbit) for streaming to internet. After trancoding video stream will be much smaller.
from hw/driver side it should work but currently some bug prevents it at Tvh side
Where can I track working progress for tvheadend implementation for transconding?
for RPi Feature #4572: OMX Support - Tvheadend
for general watch Commits · tvheadend/tvheadend · GitHub
x86 is basically working besides bugs with deinterlacing
Thanks! And I suppose that fixed version will appear here?
yes as soon there is something
Looks that is necessary little step forward to bug fix on tvheadend RPi2. I have this codecs gray:
Also if I create new codec profile with "h264_omx", puzzle icon is green but after changing resolution or thick deinterlace, in "watch tv" I see just blank screen.
yes you need to add a completely new profile (a bit bugged like said)
I see just blank scree
this is the current state at RPi, you have to wait for an fix from Tvh side
Anybody know how to enable the codec profile?
First I am using Intel HTPC with LE8.2 and I installed tvheadend GPU transcoding from this website:
Tvheadend nightly builds for LibreELEC
The version is:
Maybe installing ffmpegx will help, but how to install this?
ffmpegx: initial package · CvH/LibreELEC.tv@0330545 · GitHub
is it mean that I need install ffmpegx to solve the problem?
hmm, try to create a new codec profile and a new transcoding profile (you use software encoding btw !)
is it mean that I need install ffmpegx to solve the problem?
no, it just grabs at build time ffmpegx to build tvh, nothing you have to do
not really
I try to upload a new version soon, maybe this is a bug at Tvh.