I've just bought two new S905X boxes (SMBOX 2), and they work fine with 8.1.9 when I boot from an SD card. However, I want to install to internal (I will never need to run Android) but when I run the 'Installtointernal' command I get
Indeed, there is no system folder under /dev:
LibreELEC-Glor1:~ # ls /dev
amaudio display mem tty15 tty42 tv
amaudio_ctl efuse mmcblk0 tty16 tty43 ubi_ctrl
amaudio_utils esm_rx mmcblk0p1 tty17 tty44 uhid
amhdmitx0 fb0 mmcblk0p2 tty18 tty45 uinput
amremote fb1 mqueue tty19 tty46 uio0
amstream_abuf fd net tty2 tty47 unifykeys
amstream_hevc full network_latency tty20 tty48 urandom
amstream_mpps fuse network_throughput tty21 tty49 vcs
amstream_mpts ge2d null tty22 tty5 vcs1
amstream_rm gpio_keyboard ppmgr tty23 tty50 vcs2
amstream_sub hidraw0 ppp tty24 tty51 vcs3
amstream_sub_read hidraw1 ptmx tty25 tty52 vcs4
amstream_userdata hwrng pts tty26 tty53 vcs5
amstream_vbuf i2c-0 random tty27 tty54 vcs6
amsubtitle initctl rfkill tty28 tty55 vcsa
amvecm input rtc tty29 tty56 vcsa1
amvideo ion rtc0 tty3 tty57 vcsa2
amvideo_poll kmem shm tty30 tty58 vcsa3
amvideocap0 kmsg snd tty31 tty59 vcsa4
aocec log stderr tty32 tty6 vcsa5
audiodsp0 loop-control stdin tty33 tty60 vcsa6
autofs loop0 stdout tty34 tty61 vdin0
block loop1 tty tty35 tty62 vdin1
btrfs-control loop2 tty0 tty36 tty63 video10
bus loop3 tty1 tty37 tty7 wifi_power
char loop4 tty10 tty38 tty8 zero
console loop5 tty11 tty39 tty9
cpu_dma_latency loop6 tty12 tty4 ttyS0
di0 loop7 tty13 tty40 ttyS1
disk mali tty14 tty41 ttyprintk
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I've tried both the standard DTB file (gxl_p212_1g.dtb) and the alternative which the instructions say to use if libreelec can't see the internal memory (gxl_p212_1g_nand.dtb) but I get the same error.
What am I missing here?