Greetings from the Outer Rim!

  • Hey all! I just thought I'd drop in real quick and introduce myself. I couldn't find an "Introduce Yourself" forum, so I hope this is ok. I guess it could have went in off-topic, but oh well.

    I'm currently 36 years old, been around computers my whole life. Built many from scratch, improved upon many more. I'm the tech/IT guy for my family (and extended family if you count aunt/uncles, step-families, in-laws, etc). I've only just recently (within the last 6-8 months) started playing around with Kodi and my first Raspberry Pi2. I just this last week bought a new Raspberry Pi3, and in my quest to find out if I needed to reinstall OpenELEC I learned about this project. So I figured I'd make a backup of my SD card (just incase) and then give this OS a try.

    Looking forward to seeing what new things I'll be capable of doing. I'm not a programmer, but I can look at scripts and get a feel for what they do and can often times figure out how to make things work on my own. So there's a very good chance I'd be a potential candidate for testing (alpha/beta) should the opportunity come up. I've beta tested many things, and have a very good reputation with many projects.

    That's all for now. I'll talk with you guys on the forums!

  • Only positive feedback from me, never negative criticism. :) I know your name from somewhere too. Probably in all the other forums, like, OpenELEC, etc. Nice to see the riff-raff filtered out a bit and more personal hands on interaction with developers here. Looking forward to a great adventure!