Posts by V10lator

    kaefert The repo which doesn't exist contains an x86_64 binary only, so you can't install it on a RPI. Anyway, what works for me:
    1. Get a modroot. See thread-903.html for details.
    2. Download the debian htop package for armhf ( Debian -- Package Download Selection -- htop_1.0.3-1_armhf.deb ), libncurses ( Debian -- Package Download Selection -- libncurses5_5.9+20140913-1+b1_armhf.deb ), libncuresw ( Debian -- Package Download Selection -- libncursesw5_5.9+20140913-1+b1_armhf.deb ) and libtinfo ( Debian -- Package Download Selection -- libtinfo5_5.9+20140913-1+b1_armhf.deb ) to a linux machine.
    3. On the linux machine do:

    Then, on the RPI, do:

    So far so good. Now we're just hitting a LibreELEC bug ($TERM pointing to xterm but ofc. xterm isn't available for the RPI) so we get:

    LibreELEC:~ # htop
    Error opening terminal: xterm.

    Did you ever get your setup working?

    Sorry or the late reply but I didn't work on this anymore untill yesterday. Anyway, it (almost) works now. :cool:

    I don't remember the exact settings but at least I disabled audio passthrough. Then I enabled pulseaudio by doing:

    echo snd-bcm2835 > /storage/.config/modules-load.d/snd-bcm2835.conf
    echo dtparam=audio=on >> /flash/config.txt
    audio_pwm_mode=2 >> /flash/config.txt

    I also created /storage/.config/ with the following contend:

    systemctl start brcmfmac_sdio-firmware.service
    systemctl start bluetooth
    pactl load-module module-udev-detect
    #pactl load-module module-cli-protocol-unix
    pactl set-default-sink alsa_output.platform-soc_audio.analog-stereo
    hciconfig hci0 down
    hciconfig hci0 up

    Please note: A few of these commands are workarounds to get bluetooth working. As you don't need bluetooth all you need are the pactl commands.#

    If you did everything correctly you should be able to get sound over pulseaudio now but with a one second delay. To fix the delay create /storage/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml with this content:


    Note: The -1000 is exactly one second (1000 milliseconds) - This value is quick&dirty, so it probably needs some fine-tuning. Anyway, after a reboot everything should work for your case. In my case I'm stuck at Pi3 bluetooth audio stutters with Wifi enabled · Issue #1402 · raspberrypi/linux · GitHub :(

    i think the culprit must be 9999-modroot.conf since this dir is read only? (i tried creating a file there)

    Thanks for the report. :) /etc should be read-write thanks to the overlay, so what happens if you execute the following line manually:

    mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=/etc,upperdir=/storage/modroot/etc,workdir=/storage/modroot/.work /etc


    Interesting. By the way "Risk" is spelled with a k.

    Thanks, fixed.

    why not just overlay the entire rootfs, then you wouldn't have to change the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH at all

    Cause the script started with PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH changes only, /etc support was added in later on. Also it might be a little bit faster that way (I didn't benchmark). Anyway, feel free to change it however you want.

    You want to start hacking on your device running LibreELEC but creating Kodi packages sounds overkilled to you? Then this might be for you.
    You want to distribute your cool new tool to many users? Then use Kodi packages, please.

    What this does? Well, it creates a folder structure


    and integrates this into LibreELEC. You can start all binaries from ~/modroot/bin without specifying the directory, libraries in ~/modroot/lib will be picked up automatically (in fact you're even able to overwrite LibreELECs libraries by placing them there) and ~/modroot/etc is for config files (here you're able to overwrite LibreELECs buildins, too).

    So how does it work? Simple: It's all a single shell script that you use as autostart file (~/.config/ Here it is:

    Wait, how to use autostart now? Just use ~/modroot/bin/autostart - It can be a binary, a shell script or anything other executable by LibreELEC.

    Sadly no matter what emulator I try, I get sound but no image (black screen). [EDIT]This is on a RPi 3.[/EDIT]

    Also would it be possible to add symlinks to the emulators that need a BIOS? I'm thinking about something like /storage/.kodi/game.libretro.[EMULATOR]/[BIOSFILE] to /storage/BIOS/[BIOSFILE] - This would make the initial setup more simple for the user (just place all BIOS files to /storage/BIOS/ and be happy) + maybe save some space (no duplicated BIOS files in various folders for similiar emulators). Maybe the same could even be done for ROMs (folders like /storage/roms/GB /storage/roms/GBA and so on) ?

    I have just instal my new pi 3 and info system show me that the processor is a ARMv7 and no ARMv8 as they say in the raspberry site.

    As escalade told that's completely normal. As long as there's no 64 bit software running the CPU will identify itself as ARMv7 for backward compatibility.


    Also 600 mhz speed...

    That's the IDLE speed. Go do some heavy computing and see how clocks rise.


    512 mo memory...!!

    512 ... What? Mhz? The IDLE clock is around 500 Mhz IIRC. Don't confuse size and clock, please.

    Check this script, it'll give you some insights: 10890573
    Sample output Pi 3 IDLE:

    And under load + overclocked:

    V10lator, why don't you create proper package for your programs and compile them as everything else is done in librelec?

    Cause I don't know how to "create proper package for your programs and compile them as everything else is done in librelec". Also I guess that means creating Kodi addons which isn't what I want.

    Anyway, I found this: Kernel building - Raspberry Pi Documentation - It's not only usefull to compile kernels. In a nutshell:

    git clone
    PATH="${PATH}:$(pwd)/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin" /bin/bash

    This opens a bash with a altered PATH including cross-compile tools. In that bash the following Makefile worked:

    While this is great progress there's one thing that annoys me: The gcc version used is from 2014. Does anyone know where to get a more modern toolchain?

    I normally copy simple x86_64 binary things over from an Ubuntu VM .. which generally works unless something is kernel specific or has a bunch of lib dependencies that aren't accounted for. If you really do need to compile things you're best off using the build-system and creating packages for them.

    Sorry, I forgot to say that this is for the Raspberry Pi 3, so x86_64 binaries won't work.

    Sorry if this might sound stupid but finding documentation on this doesn't seem to be easy.

    I'm searching for a way to compile my own binaries for LibreELEC / Raspberry Pi 3. These binaries should not be Kodi addons as I want to start them with the help of .config/ (or systemd) and said binaries should handle things like fan control, LED control and so on.
    So I'm simply searching a way to cross-compile for LibreELEC. Is there any good entry point for documentation?

    Side question: This is my (quick&dirty) Makefile, is there anything to do better (i.e. CFLAGS, I guess -march=native won't work while cross compiling) ?

    I readed that, so it would be much better if you tell me what's missing. Anyhow, here every single requested information:

    • Raspberri Pi 3
    • 7.0.1
    • There is no log
    • Try to play any file with paplay or any other tool utilizing libsndfile
    • No
    • video
    • issue
    • Paspberry Pi 3
    • 10858744
    • Include lspci into LibreELEC and I'll give you the output...
    • This is no USB issue. But just in case: 10858745

    I tried to use paplay to test something but that failed:

    LibreELEC:~ # paplay test_mono_44100Hz_8bit_PCM.wav
    sndfile: Bad parameter passed to function sf_command.
    Failed to determine sample specification from file.

    So I collected some wav files around the net and tested them: Same result.

    This is with OpenELEC 7.0.1 on a RPi 3.

    I'm currently experimenting with pulseaudio in LibreELEC. What I did so far:

    mount -o remount,rw /flash
    echo "dtparam=audio=on" >> /flash/config.txt
    mount -o remount,ro /flash
    echo "snd-bcm2835" > /etc/modules-load.d/snd-bcm2835.conf
    echo "pactl load-module module-udev-detect" >> /storage/.config/

    After that I rebooted and configured Kodi to use pulseaudio.

    The good thing is this works. The bad thing is it adds a noticeable (1-3 seconds!) delay to the sound processing. The delay is clearly added by pulseaudio as it goes away when you configure Kodi to use ALSA instead. Also from time to time audio stops completely without anything (pulseaudio showing "D: [alsa-sink-bcm2835 ALSA] source.c: Processing rewind..." - which seems to be a harmless message as it does that while the sound works, too. dmesg doesn#t show anything for that issue).

    The next thing I did was to create the file /storage/.config/pulse-daemon.conf.d/9999-pulsetest.conf - then I started to play around with it. My findings so far:

    • resample-method = trivial uses more CPU than the default (speex-float-1) - In fact with the default pulseaudio will always show ~0% CPU usage.
    • default-sample-rate beeing 44100 or 48000 doesn't seem to make a difference.
    • Lowering default-fragments produces sound distortion. But even when we tune default-fragments and default-fragment-size-msec the delay won't go away.
    • Highering realtime-priority also doesn't change the delay.
    • Highering the suspend timeout from 5 to 120 seconds doesn't stop the sound from stopping randomly.

    Now to my questions:

    • Does anyone know a way to show FPU usage?
    • Any ideas what else to test?

    And a moment before I wanted to post this I found something new: When the sound stops and you do a killall kodi.bin the screen will stay black untill you kill pulseaudio, too. When you kill pulseaudio in that scenario it shows this:

    just put it in config.txt

    That worked, thanks! In fact everything works out of the box (except setting Kodi to use ALSA - yes ALSA as PulseAudio still needs tuning and either the RPi has hardware mixing capabilities or dmix is running) now without setting default sink/source. Anyway, PulseAudio doesn't perform good, I guess the place to tune it is /storage/.config/pulse-daemon.conf.d/ ? Does anyone know what sampling frequencys the chip supports?