thx davue+milhouse, i will post full debug log to your very soon
Posts by marriol123343
DaVu Would it be possible to give fritsch/milhouse/? (do not know the expert) a little nudge looking into this? If it is indivudial - fuck it, but IMHO could be a generell problem/failed development.
After all these streams get smooth after certain time, but as it worked better before .003 I'm unsure on myself. I'm only interested in best development concerning Videoplayer in this case. -
I know, in the first moment it sounds like an addon or network problem, but yes, .002 works fine 13:02:30 T:1641378720 DEBUG: UpdateAudioSystemStatus - no CEC capable amplifie - - fluently from the start of playing the streams. So I suppose changes in Videoplayer cause the problem.
Yes, I know
... you run southpark episode on Libreelec 7.90.003 + Pi3 and video was smooth from beginning?
No, both addons work fine, it's something other what changed here from 7.90.002 to 7.90.003 (concerning these kind of streams?). And it is only about these two addons (streams) - all my other streaming work fine here.
Here is my log with both streams playing: 02:41:35 11.797727 T:1832907680 INFO: AddOnLog: Joystick Support: Initialize -
The streams get smooth/stable after 30-60 seconds, so i dont care so much. But before .003 they run perfectly smooth from the start on (!?) This is why I post it...
I doubt there are more than 50 people who modify their splash. It's a niche capability. We have no plans to support niche things in LE settings.ok, conclusive.
Im using LE on a RasberryPi3.
I saw that comming
Something must have changed in the Videoplayer from Alpha 2 to 3. I don't know what it is, but I got the same problems when I tested milhouse builds over last month. In Alpha 2 there were no problems. Now since Update (as in milhouse biulds) I get annoying frame drops (first 30-50 seconds until it gets stable) when I start certain streams:
If you are interested you can reproduce it by using the SouthPark Addon from KodiRepo and RocketbeansTV Addon (/Twitch-Stream) from Kodinerds Repo, and you should see what I mean.
add a custom boot splash in /flash/oemsplash.pngFar away from userfriendly...
+1 for this feature in libreelec settings
This is my complete config.txt on Pi3
# This file is part of OpenELEC - OpenELEC Mediacenter - Home
# Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Stephan Raue ([email protected])
# Inspired and partly copied from:
# youresuchageek: Howto Raspberry Pi : OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi, get a great XBMC experience on your Raspberry Pi
# OpenELEC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# OpenELEC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenELEC. If not, see <Licenses - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation>.
# Bootloader configuration - config.txt
# Memory (System/GPU configuration )
################################################################################# default GPU memory split (do not change if you do not know what you are doing)
gpu_mem=350# SDRAM size based GPU memory split, uncomment and setup to override 'gpu_mem'
# Overclocking settings
# WARNING: Do not change/enable if you do not know what you are doing!
# The System may become unstable or you can have data corruption or
# you can loose your warranty if you set wrong settings
# please read: RPiconfig -
################################################################################# Overclock mode settings.
# default recommended values are: arm_freq | core_freq | sdram_freq | over_voltage
# no overclocking : 700 | 250 | 400 | 0
# mode 'Modest' : 800 | 300 | 400 | 0
# mode 'Medium' : 900 | 333 | 450 | 2
# mode 'High' : 950 | 450 | 450 | 6
# mode 'Turbo' : 1000 | 500 | 600 | 6
# mode 'Pi2' : 1000 | 500 | 500 | 2arm_freq=1300
# set to 'force_turbo=1' to disable dynamic overclocking (you can lose your warranty!)
force_turbo=0# If you have any data corruption using Turbo Mode and overclocking
# try with this setting uncommented
# If this still fails, try to use Medium mode without "over_voltage=2"
# If it ultimately keeps failing, forget about this until it gets fixed
# Use a more conservative mode that will works fine in any cases:
# initial_turbo=30################################################################################
# Overscan settings
################################################################################# Make display smaller to stop text spilling off the screen
# see also Raspberry Pi • View topic - EGL windows not respecting overscan
# overscan_scale=1
# disable_overscan=1# Adapt overscan values to your needs
# overscan_left=57
# overscan_right=59
# overscan_top=20
# overscan_bottom=20################################################################################
# various settings see also: RPiconfig -
################################################################################# Force HDMI even if unplugged or powered off
# hdmi_force_hotplug=1# Doesn't sent initial active source message.
# Avoids bringing CEC (enabled TV) out of standby and channel switch when
# rebooting.
# License keys to enable GPU hardware decoding for various codecs
# to obtain keys visit the shop at Raspberry Pi Store
################################################################################# decode_MPG2=0x00000000
# decode_WVC1=0x00000000
# decode_DTS=0x00000000
# decode_DDP=0x00000000################################################################################
# End of default configuration
# all values below this line were inserted from config.txt.bk (your old config)
# and can be merged with the above values
Works, but don't know if this is a good config
I've found an addon on kodinerds: "Sleepy Watchdog" This stops playing after a special time inactivity
Finding a way to stop playing endless streams after a special time. Otherwise when TV-Timer turns off after 90min for example, the pi keeps on playing.
Do you know a slim Addon or a possibility to set a timer (30,60,90,120min) until a reboot for Raspberry Pi 3?
Old IT saying: "if it works, don't fix it." .. The default configuration settings are the recommended optimised configuration. For pi hardware they are the result of many thousands of hours testingOk, I'm convinced now
Do you have an idea about the problem above with playing this twitch streams/hls-streams?
For sure, I keep it in mind, but I wonder because I also use other Streaming Addons and there is no problem this way, for example Amazon Prime Video (MPEG-DASH) with 1080p - works perfect. I would think HLS is not "harder work" - besides the fact that this phanomen also exists when I play this twitch-stream on low quality, so I suppose this is a Kodi/LibreElec-problem, but I don't know it.
Ok, my network works fine 50mbit+cable. Thanks for your help, but it was only a general question. As I said, there are no problems at the moment.
The only "problem" I have is with Rocketbeanstv-Addon, which plays a twitch Stream (HLS-Stream), but thats not a problem of network oder the quality i set, I think. The Stream needs 40 seconds to get stable and plays smoothly. On my PC I did not have this problem.
Well, I don't know if its needed, the part I think about is: HOW-TO:Modify the video cache - Official Kodi Wiki , because I use the System primarily for Streaming-Webservices and the question would be: Is there a general recommendation for Pi3 in modifying here something?
Hello there,
I'm testing the recent milhouse testbuilds on my Pi 3, everything works fine! Fantastic OS!
As I am a LibreELEC AND a Raspberry Pi beginner what I asked myself: Is there a recommended advancedsettings.xml for optimize this combination you can advice me or should I leave it out as a topic?