Posts by tuep

    So beside the issue with loosing the hdmi output which can be luckily fixed also by restarting tv instead of pulling cables I still have another issue with this build.

    Under Milhouse build I could enable 25Hz mode. With your Build piotrasd I don't have to work with the whitelist but the 25Hz mode is not available. This leeds to stuttering playback when the display mode is set to 50Hz I don't know why this is, because it should just display a frame two times, but it is very noticeable and not possible to enjoy.

    Edit: I tried to get everything as much as to default as possible. So I deleted my, I created the xorg.conf like you suggested, run getedid delete, and later getedid create.

    Now I have output on start, the 25Hz movies are still displayed with 50Hz but now the stuttering is gone. If the driver patch comes, it is nearly perfect, beside one bug.

    But on one movie I have a new bug that during playback a mouse cursor appears in the center of the screen.

    Nope, I have an FHD-TV. I can register there and comment, but I don't know whether I want to stay with this. I can still get refund for it.

    At the moment this is not usable and I am afraid that I stay with this and it will take months to get this done. AMD seems to be more active in kernel contributions. But I am not really an expert.

    I really don't know about the stuff you mentioned last.

    I know that unplugging helps but it's a pain.

    The one file I used for testing is 25Hz. When I used Milhouse Buld and Whitelisted 25Hz it worked, but after stopping playback output was lossed.

    I am considering to send back the board. Downsizing to Apoll Lake or Uprading to AMD APU's.

    After removing the xorg.conf my HDMI channels were renamed again from HDMI-1 eg to HDMI1 after that also xrandr switching is working again. However loosing connection after switching remains and also sometimes false frequency is detected.

    I have one movie here which needs 25Hz. Playback is set to 50Hz resulting in micro stuttering. Don't know why because its a multiple of 25 but it is like it is.

    I tried out your build piotrasd. I was running current Milouse build on my j4105-ITX and had problems with frequency switching.

    I downloaded your file and put it into the update folder.

    But I have still issues with loosing video output when a video is stopped. Also I have problems when I put 25Hz to the whitelist with tv playback. If I start TV playback with 25Hz in the whitelist it will pick this, resulting in stuttering video. Only if I deactivate it, it chooses correct 50Hz. But sometimes I need 25Hz and when I go back from 25Hz to 60Hz of Kodi it looses output. Also the setting of some waiting time didn't help.

    Edit: Sry. the update didn't work properly, because I was missing an empty .nocompat file. But now with the successfull update to your build I get no video output. Even the xrandr trick doesn't work anymore. I have to unplug and replug the HDMI Cable. Frequency switching works better than before for starting a video. But again ending the video results in disconnection of video output.

    x86 is in principle set. I choosed a NUC like thing to replace my raspberry Pi 3. Reason was that I want to get more things done by LibreELEC and make my old noisy PS3 obsolete. So Playing DVDs, Blurays, having a DVB-T2 card, which needs h265 in Germany and playing Netflix was the task. Also having some diskspace to get some tv recordings.

    Therefore I wanted to go away from all this tiny single PCB systems and build an old fashioned HTPC. An ARM system with all this features would become a gigantic hydra. 4K is not needed up to now. The TV doesn't support it and even with a new one at one time I think I have no material for this. The only source would be Netflix but this is not working in 4K. And I don't think that I start spending the extra money on UHD Blurays since the quality gain is not noticable enough.

    Since my needs didn't changed and since I already bought a lot of the needed stuff used before, I really have to stick to x86.

    Problem is, I have to send it back quite soon to get a refund. In principle I have to give note on Monday.

    Alternatives are:

    1) Trying out different Build.

    2) Going away von LibreELEC and use Ubuntu to run KODI. I really don't like this because LibreELEC is really lean and once running you don't have to mess around with the system a lot anymore. Ubuntu could be worse and maybe too heavy for the weak CPU.

    3) Buy an older Apollo Lake like the J3345-ITX. This has some passthrough issues but it seems too work in general as expected.

    4) Buy an AMD 2200GE that comes out just now with one of the cheapes ITX or mATX Boards. It seems they all support HDMI2 with the new APUs. Downside is the hardware support with old kernels, the higher cost and the higher power consumption. Plus is it's AMD and it's really a performing piece of hardware compared to the Gemini Lake stuff.

    4) could be easier combined with 2) I guess.

    If anybody could give me some advice on this that would be really helpfull.

    Hey Milhouse, thanks a lot for the information.

    I already practicing having a user with only read access to necessary folders. But maybe this should be highlited more prominently on the libreelec site.

    The Gemini Lake Issue is really sad. I wayted for this or for ryzen APUs because the issue with passthrough on Apollo Lake sounded bad.

    I could send back the Gemini Lake board and replace it by an apollo lake. Or new 35W Ryzen but this would be very unconvinient too.

    However, if I cannot fix it, it is not usable with libreelec. I need the switching of Frequency in order to avoid stuttering, but I cannot reboot after certain files all the time.

    Any other idea on this?

    Ok folks, some update here. I tried to search for the samba problem and found some hint to look at the folder /storage/.kodi/userdata.

    To my surprise the credentials to my shares are there in plain text. Is this really state of the art?

    However, I deleted mediasources.xml, password.xml, and sources.xml and rebooted.

    Afterwords I tried to connect to my smb share via the file manager and it worked like expected. I simply enter:

    protocoll SMB


    Share: Filme

    User: User

    Password: Password

    and the access is there. However, when I go to Emby for Kodi addon and enter there the network credentials:


    User: User

    Password: Password

    and reset the database, I get the error again, that the files are not existing. When I move to the file manager again and try to open the beforehand working share, I get the Operation not permitted error.

    When I then delete password.xml again and reboot, I can access again.

    Hopefully that helps.

    PS: Again the question does any of this logfiles contain sensitiv data?

    PPS: I saw several times in the logs the warning that http instead of https is used, but I could not find an option for that anywhere.

    Morning everybody,

    I got a new HTPC and I am messing around with it the last days, but there are some issues I am stucked with and I am even not through with all the planned features.

    So what do I have here:

    J4105-ITX with 4GB Crucial CT4G4SFS824A

    A Samsung SSD 860 evo

    A DD C2T2 TV-Card

    And an Asus BW-16D1HT Bluray drive

    I installed on it the latest Milhouse Build. That was already challenging because of 3 issues.

    1) Because the graphic card in the cpu is too new, the official libreelec will sometimes freeze during installation and also later on when it's installed you have no graphics.

    2) I had some UEFI issues and apparently it can help if you activate Secure Boot.

    3) I plugged the 2 drives into convineant reachable Sata ports. Apparently everything worked after i unplugged the Bluray drive. After plugging it in again it didn't worked again. On the Board there are 4 Sata Ports 1, 2, A1, A2. Using only the ones without A seems to work.

    What is currently working is:

    TVHeadend Server and Client. I can watch and record several channels simultaneousl.


    So now to the problems. I already got soime help in other forums, but I think maybe here in the official forum it fits best.

    1) Video Output

    After getting Milhouse running I figured out that I have no output after the Libreelec screen. Unplugging and Replugging helped. So I found that workaround with the following

    xrandr --output HDMI1 --off && sleep 1 && xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 60.00

    That worked and after booting I have video output. Even after a second reboot I can select HDMI for audio passthrough.

    However movies were stuttering because the switching of framerate was not working.

    So I got the note that one has to work with the whitelist in Milhouse Builds and edited it. It now has the entries FHD 60, 50, 30, 29,97, 24, 23,98.

    With that I don't have stuttering on TV and Netflix.

    But now comes the big remaining issue. After watching netflix when the output should go back to FHD 60Hz I loose the output. I can revive it manually with xrandr, but even then only the picture but not the sound comes back. I tried out to set a delay of 1, 2 even 3 seconds but it didn't help. With DVB-T2 there is no issue like that.

    2) SMB

    I decided to use from now on Emby and was last night working hours to get the native path option running. I always get the message that the files couldn't be found under the smb path. After some questions from the Emby forum I got note that actually I have a general problem with Samba here.

    Going to filemanager and adding source I can't see my NAS when I browse for smb or Windows network.

    Apparently this is the same for my old Raspberry. I don't remember how I did it back than, but I think I just added the path manually. I tried the same but I get the error Operation not permitted. The Nas is set to SMB2 to SMB3 the same as Libreelec. And apparently with the Raspberry with the official libreelec it is working.

    I have the strong believe that if I fix this the problem with Emby is solved too.

    Thx for reading. I can of course prepare logs, but I would need some guidance how to do this.