I'd sort of given up on my TX6 but the latest nightly Libreelec 13 (Kodi 22 alpha) is a big step forward imho.
Yep, I'll wait for the LE13 betas before I revisit my TX6 (back in the box for now, don't want to bin it just yet).
I'd sort of given up on my TX6 but the latest nightly Libreelec 13 (Kodi 22 alpha) is a big step forward imho.
Yep, I'll wait for the LE13 betas before I revisit my TX6 (back in the box for now, don't want to bin it just yet).
Is there any more news regarding the fix yet?
Tbh, most overlays affect the video performance with PRIME rendering on the Allwinner H6.
Does the PI have a working software decoder?
Yep, Hi-10 works fine on Pi
I've tried the test file on LE12/Tanix TX6 and it does play "jerky". I thought the bit where the helicopter flies overhead was the unmissable showcase for the problem. I've played it on other (non LE) devices and it's buttery smooth.
Bingo, not just my box then. Thanks!
That config won't apply to RPi5 tbh, it doesn't have H264 HW decoding (only H265/HEVC).
Cool, but yep would be good if someone else could test the file on an LE12/H6 setup.
Can you post the sample file somewhere so we can have a look at it?
Sure, try here: https://file.io/nD7cfTqFjux0 or here https://easyupload.io/cf79c7
It's a good test file because it has a lot of smooth panning shots, any stutters stick out like a sore thumb, and again to note this played fine on Allwinner H6 on LE11 (and 12 Beta1/11.95.1), but now struggling on LE12 final so it's a recent regression to bisect.
powerarmour chewitt Ah okay thank you! I read AV1 but my mind did not register "that fancy new codec". I guess I cannot replicate OPs issue.
I can only replicate it with that particular file, all other VP9 and H.265 seems to play as normal (but with the added bonus of 10-bit colour in LE12), a 10Mbps H.264 file shouldn't stutter, but it is what it is.
powerarmour An obvious question: Is this media something you ripped, or is it "test media" that you downloaded from the Internet? .. because 9/10 "test" files are designed to stress/break decoders to find bugs. TL/DR; use real media not test media.
Normally I'll use test files from here: https://kodi.wiki/view/Samples
But this particular one was an encode of the title loop from the Avatar Blu-ray disc (using Handbrake), and yes that's precisely what I use it for. It 'should' play fine on any modern media player though. (this is a file that plays fine on an RPi3 running LE12 for example)
I am experiencing a similar issue. However, h264 and h265 play perfectly fine. AV1 encoding is where the jitter starts.
It might just be bitrate related, generally the H6 doesn't do too well with high bitrate video (e.g. >120Mbps) but I definitely have a few test files that throw a shoe now on LE12 (which were okay on LE11). AV1 stuff obviously has no HW accelearation, so YMMV with those files.
powerarmour read and implement a mode whitelist: https://wiki.libreelec.tv/configuration/4k-hdr .. then share a clean log.
I've also been able to reproduce this issue (and yes it's on H.264 files mainly).
Debug log here: https://paste.libreelec.tv/needed-herring.log
Test file in my case that causes the video stuttering is H.264 .mp4, 1920x1080, 23.98Hz, 10181kbps, it's basically unwatchable unfortunately. This is also a fresh install of LE 12 - no addons/default.
I think it's H264 content where this issue presents, H265 and VP9 etc is fine.
Another question is about TV boxes with Rockchip RK3318 not being able to boot directly from the SD card when Android is installed.
This sounds like a bootloader incompatibility issue, if you have a BSP Android on eMMC then booting to sdcard with a LE mainline image might not work. If you've got a recovery image or don't mind losing Android, you can try wiping the eMMC and seeing if LE will boot then.
LE12 definitely seems to work better on my Allwinner H6 box, especially for HDR content.
Hopefully next version of LibreELEC will have 2160p/60Hz as standard (at least for RPi5) and tweaking Config.txt will not be required.
RPi5 doesn't need any additional config.txt amendments, it already has full bandwidth HDMI on both ports.
I tried the one in the link above (the DAC is a KT0210) and works fine with LibreELEC, indeed the device show up in settings->audio (as something like 'KT analog') just after plugging in
. Thanks
Yep, that's why I never saw a big deal in them removing the jack on the RPi5, there's lots of USB options now that have default kernel/driver support.