Have you tried the temp sensor disabled build?
Posts by Poida
Does anyone know the answer ??
Since your problem is with a specific addon, I would had thought that the first line of enquiry would be with the author of that addon.
Presumably, you have already disabled the LE PVR Simple Client add-on and, if necessary, reverted the recent changes you had made to check undesired scanning is related to your changes and/or reverted to previous builds with the new setup to see if the behaviour relates only to a particular build?
Btw would you know where to put in a boot parameter like quiet/ morequiet to hide the version info on the wallpaper at boot?
Not off hand. Maybe kszaq knows if such a switch exists?
If not, Choose a picture with a white patch up in the top left corner and you wont see it
Maybe add to the manual that the connection privileges are '[email protected]' and password is 'libreelec'
That basic fact is already well documented throughout the LibreElec forums (seek and ye shall find)
How do I install the latest libre on my device over the old Kodi (opelelec) version instead of running through the USB stick?
InstalltoInternal command via ssh. As advised in the OP;
Read this first: [HOWTO + FAQ] Install community builds on S905/S905X/S912 device
Anyway, how would the 'libreelec' logo end up residing on any of the android partitions?
It doesn't, it resides in thededicated Logo partition (with logo in custom Amlogic format).You'll find it easy enough if you do a little Googling
There are several Amlogic formats but, with a little trial and error, it doesn't take too long to select the correct one.
Oh you don't mean the Boot Logo for the Box, Copy your favourite image to /flash/oemsplash.png
The other thing is: auto update (both library and addon) on startup don't work, I have to do it manually everytime.
I don't think there is an auto update for these builds. The setting in LE configuration works with Official LE updates. I think the Amlogic builds are not included (yet). The addons that I have tried only work when set to 'manual' (or not at all)Mis-read the issue
you first need to getthe first change to the template is to insert your correct factory code2) Set Factory Code
From the PuTTy output you posted, the generated error appears to be 0xb24d4040, so you would change line 33 of the template to factory_code = 0x40400001
Are you or an administrator able to move my remote.conf posts and replies to the appropriate thread and let me have a link?
I can't move them, perhaps an Administrator can.
Come over to the Create remote.conf from scratch thread and I'll see if I can help you out
JeffersPlease take issues with your remote.conf and problems following the tutorial to the appropriate thread.
The questions you ask are not related to Amlogic LibreElec builds, but your inability to follow simple directions that have already been previously posted.
To continue to hijack this general thread instead of posting in the appropriate ones is pretty close to spamming, which breaches this (as most) forums rules of conduct.
I can attempt to make the steps simpler for you, but you really do need to post in the correct thread
Now it is possible to enter recovery menu again.
If you replace the Android OS and run LE from SD / USB then you can replace your stock recovery with TWRP
Hi Kajoe,
Do you see a difference in the performance of the box compared to libreelec on the microsd card? I also have this x96 box and I am curious to the difference between the microsd card and internal.
Please read this post (again, a couple of pages back)
I have the firmware as update.zip, With TWRP recovery. But TWRP is not visible
You do not have TWRP recovery (or any for that matter), installed to internal
You cannot install TWRP if you install to internal.
Provided that the box is able to boot from SD you can use TWRP by placing the correct TWRP image (renamed to recovery.img) and the native Android dtb image on an SD card and then reboot, using toothpick method or issuing reboot recovery command via SSH.
Extract dtb.img from the Android update.zip and do the above. The above information was given just a few pages back
Jeffers Please read the tutorial you have been pointed to (so many times now). All of your questions are answered in it
All of the links given by bubblegum57 and myself are pointing to the same tutorial so it doesn't matter which one you choose
Any further difficulties regarding this should really be brought up in the relevant thread, instead of hijacking this one any further
Jeffers / tutoia.
If you follow this tutorial using the template it gives, replacing the codes in the template with the ones obtained from your remote, and un-comment (remove the #) each line you have changed after line 41 (to make it active), the remote.conf will work.
You obviously have to remove, comment out (put # at the beginning) or change line 39 to debug_enable = 0 to disable debug mode and have the codes simply acted on, instead of also being written to the log file.
I thought if I copied the remot.conf from the box when in android would work when I copied it to LibreELEC's .conf
What you have posted contains more than 1 factory_code entry (so can't be right)
Once you have found the correct remote.conf you copy the complete file into /storage/.config folder of your LE installation.
Failing that . . .
just write your own It is easy
To get to the .config folder . . .
I use SSH to transfer the custom remote.conf to the /storage/.config folder.
If you have samba sharing enabled you can also access is via your PC's file explorer.
The remote.conf in .config takes priority over the default one, so there's no need to delete it.
I have added a remote.conf file to the above .config folder and it made no difference (maybe it was the wrong one)
As bubblegum57 states, this would be the simplest way to get the correct remote.conf if you still have the Android OS installed. . .
First of all. When booted into android, using an app (WiFiDroid) I logged in remotely. I copiedthe complete remote file from \etc\remote.conf