I don't hear gui sounds (it is enabled in Kodi), anyone got an idea?
Maybe you pressed "F8" key on bluetooth keyboard, it turns eveything to mute... happened to me once and couldn't find the solution at first !
I don't hear gui sounds (it is enabled in Kodi), anyone got an idea?
Maybe you pressed "F8" key on bluetooth keyboard, it turns eveything to mute... happened to me once and couldn't find the solution at first !
I am not sure if these apply to Bluetooth keyboards, but have you tried going to Settings > LibreELEC and changing the settings under Keyboard in the System tab?
You were right !
It is now fixed, with setting AZERTY into LibreELEC system's keyboard !
I am new to this forum, I have read most of this topic and successfully installed the latest version on my Nexbox A95X with 2G/16GB.
It is working fine, I have the impression of more smoothness and fluidity in the menus. Thank you Kszaq for your hard work !
I have still one question left to improve more : how to have a bluetooth (from Esynic) keyboard recognised in AZERTY instead of QWERTY ?
With Android System, there is optional APK that you can install, but I do not know how to manage this with Libreelec....
I hope I posted in right topic....