Thanks for the advice
Can you please Post Screenshots to compare?
From my experience using Amlogic Chip boxes attached to my 1080p TV I was happy using LE until i Purchased a Rock64 RK3328 chip.
The picture Quality on the Rock64 is far superior to any Amlogic chip Box that i have owned. The only one that is close to the Rock64 is my K1 Pro S905D Chip. The S905W is GARBAGE. Picture is the worst of all.
I have no idea why but it is a big difference. I would not recommend an Amlogic Chip for that reason alone.
Beware Rockchip 3328 with LE is not stable but very usable for what you require. For the future it will be stable and with Rockchip staff responding to LE forum is a big step towards stability.
feedback for test build LibreELEC-RK3328.arm-9.0-devel-box-trn9.img
Can you please Post Screenshots to compare?