I have also a WP1 running, but haven't updated to 9.2.8. Didn't even know it exists
Maybe you can ask dtech if he compiles the latest tvheadend for the WP1 with 9.2.8?
Generic build is not for WP1
I have also a WP1 running, but haven't updated to 9.2.8. Didn't even know it exists
Maybe you can ask dtech if he compiles the latest tvheadend for the WP1 with 9.2.8?
Generic build is not for WP1
Can you please try to compile OpenBOR for Gamestarter?
It would be a nice addition to Gamestarter. Here are the make-files for EmuELEC on github (for Amlogic devices). Maybe they have to be adjusted a little bit?
Thx in advance
any news about this?
It is a nice Beat 'em up-Engine with many games ...
Thx in advance
Build RR-20191013-b5875c0 | uploaded for Generic/RK3399/RPi2 | Index of /nightly/
- ...
- added OpenBOR -> delete your es_systems.cfg & place your games with .pak extension in /storage/roms/openbor
- ...
heisenberg I've tested OpenBOR with a BOR.pak on a Generic & RPi2 system so I assume it should work fine. I haven't tested any other fancy pak file so you might run into some issues with those
Thx a lot! Everything is working fine so far besides that I have to configure the gamepad for every game
I really love OpenBOR games. Can you please add ".PAK" as a file extension also? ".pak" is already there
I don't know, if this is possible, but can you please try to compile OpenBOR for LE?
Another user has packages for his EmuELEC (Amlogic) here: https://github.com/shantigilbert/emuelec/tree/emuelec-ce.9.2/packages/sx05re/emulators/openbor
RPi2/3 would be nice!
Thanks in advance
Have you overseen this post? OpenBOR would be a nice addition
Can you please try to compile OpenBOR for Gamestarter?
It would be a nice addition to Gamestarter. Here are the make-files for EmuELEC on github (for Amlogic devices). Maybe they have to be adjusted a little bit?
Thx in advance
I don't know, if this is possible, but can you please try to compile OpenBOR for LE?
Another user has packages for his EmuELEC (Amlogic) here: https://github.com/shantigilbert/emuelec/tree/emuelec-ce.9.2/packages/sx05re/emulators/openbor
RPi2/3 would be nice!
Thanks in advance
The device is old, but unfortunately there is no newer device with 2 builtin DVB-S tuners on the market.
Does Coreelec support the Play1?
please compile TVH 4.3x for Wetek Play1
where can I find 9.100.2 for the Wetek Play1?
I saw that the emulators have been updated 5 hours ago. Hopefully the dependency works in Milhouse builds, so e don't have to wait for alpha8
RPi3 - LE Alpha7 - still not able to play a game because of
Thx in advance for updating the game-addons
Post in Kodi-forum: LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)
No, it wasn't enabled. If "Stop Snapclient on Kodi playback" is enabled, I can't get a frozen video-image on the screen and no Audio at all.
The RPi seems to have only Bluetooth-audio for "Pulse". If no Snapclient is running, I get no sound.
Pls have a look @ my edit above
Tested the preview version with LE9-Mihouse on RPi3:
Works on Audio, can't get A/V-sync with Videos or Live-TV
A/V-sync works with ALSA or Pi:HDMI sound-setting in Kodi-settings, but not with Pulse together with snapclient
Thx so far!
Will do further tests. Maybe I find a setting for A/V-sync
Found "Audio Profiles" and JSON: enable/disable addon:
If this works, then you could have something like this: (with a python(?)-script)
-> Kodi plays Video, then Pi:HDMI or ALSA is used for perfect A/V-sync for e.g. LiveTV (Audio-profile 1)
-> Kodi plays Audio (mp3, stream, ...) then Kodi switches to Pulse (Audio-profile 2) and enables Snapclient to distribute audio in perfect sync to other Snapclients. On "Stop", the Audio-profile is reset to #1
This doesn't work for Musicvideos, but would be a beginning ...
vice (C64), UAE (Amiga), SameBoy, MelonDS and others are still missing in your LE-repo under packages/emulation compared to GitHub - kodi-game/repo-binary-addons: Official repository for Kodi binary add-ons
This is sad
I thought I could use LE + Kodi as a MusicServer which can be controlled with Remote, WebIF or Android and stream/sync to other (LE-)devices with Snapcast-client in my house.
Thx for explanation
Is it possible to stream the music, that Kodi is playing? without AirPlay and Spotify
Then you can use Kodi as a music server
In GitHub - kodi-game/repo-binary-addons: Official repository for Kodi binary add-ons are some new cores. It would be nice, if you could update kodi-game binary repo, so that users can test the new cores, such as vice (C64), UAE (Amiga), SameBoy, MelonDS and others.
Actually none of these cores are found in addons -> emulators. Tested today with latest Milhouse LE9-build for RPi3
Thx a lot
PS: If this belongs to "Retroplayer" sub-forum, please feel free to move it