Posts by SSC_Jarod

    Sure, i wait too until LE9 is in final release stage to upgrade. I m too old yet to play around with alpha/beta releases...had my time with since the first xmbc on the first XBox. ;) BUT there is room/demand for SX05RE, cause without it, there is no Emulationstation, with its cool skins and video preview. And there are people outside, like four friends of mine, which dont need Kodi and boot only your great Sx05RE releases to play vintage games. So please keep up your fantastic work! We love it here in Germany!

    I have a strange behaviour when my box is in standby. The box is connected to my Onkyo Amplifier and the Onkyo to my TV (all 4k - hdmi) my satellite receiver is direct connect to tv like my ps4. So if the 905x box is in standby, my TV shows me that no equipment is connected via hdmi CEC, the list is empty. I have picture on TV from my sat receiver but no sound over the Onkyo. BUT in that moment i fire the 905x box up, sound is coming and all equipment is showing up on my hdmi selection and on the cec menu on my sony tv. It feels like the 905 box behave like a Master in the line of connected equipment. Someone the same behaviour or a solution?!


    J here is my es_systems.cfg - maybe you can some lines copy and paste to make yours work ... or you take this and change only the path to the roms. Hope thats helps.



    I think that the video I tried to play is SDR

    (I'm sorry... it is in italian)

    Spazio colore: YUV
    Croma subsampling : 4:2:0
    Profondità bit : 8 bit
    Bit/(pixel*frame) : 0.052

    I don't find the way to check it on my TV (Philips 55put6101). My tv doesn´t support HDR.

    That your TV dont support HDR, could be the solution. Cause, like Kzaq writes in the first post, 4k and HDR is experimentel in the Kodi builds.

    thanks for the reply ssc_jarod - I have like 200 files in each folder - fba, cps1, cps2, cps3, mame, arcade etc. none of those systems show up in ES. other systems like megadrive, nes, snes etc. do and they also have files in them.

    Have you checked the es_systems.cfg? And if the system has the correct path? Here is a demo snipped of mine config so i remember here on work at the moment ;) :




    <fullname>Sega Dreamcast</fullname>

    <path>/var/media/usb/roms/dreamcast</path> <- i have my roms on a usb drive (normaly here stays "/storage/roms/dreamcast")

    <extension>.cdi .gdi</extension> <- have you all extensions correct here (e.g. mame there must be .zip)

    <command>here stays the commando to start the roms</command> <- this command must at your current config correct filled





    Hope this helps a little. Greetz, J.

    PS: if this is your error, here is site that makes you the config, but you must also enter the correct <command> to start the roms!

    Emulationstation Systems Generator


    can only repeat to your Edit3 point: If there are no roms in a folder e.g. your MAME Folder, than it will not apear in ES. You must min. 1 Game .zip in Mame Folder, than it will appear in ES. Tipp from me. Some old Arcade games wont work with Mame core, like 1941, 1942, ... For this games, you must use the arcade core. At the moment i am in work for change the configuration of Retroarch, that he uses for this games the arcade core.

    I have the same issue on my Sony 65“ 4K with 4K Receiver … take a look, if you Play 4K HDR, if your TV says its really playing HDR. Cause thats happened with all my 912 boxes. I got 2160p but no HDR and than the picture looks crappy. On my 905 boxes my TV says HDR and the crap in Dark areas are gone... but on 905 boxes its the only 100mbit Lan thats make 4K with high bitrate unlookable. I got a lot of buffering...

    With the current state of LE (regardless 8.x, 9.x) for S912 (H96Pro+), I do NOT see any benefits in running it on such box, in comparison to properly tuned Android 7.1.2 ROM.

    In fact - I've recently switched back to Android and it suits my needs perfectly fine.

    Just bare in mind - this is a special case (my case): H96Pro+ (S912)... ;)

    the ever epic battle apple vs android vs M$ vs linux 😆 just kidding ... what suits someone, suits him 👍

    Most probably the risk of bricking your device during Internal install vs. no risk when installed to external memory

    There are plenty out there that read all the warnings, go ahead anyhow, and then complain "this build bricked my device".

    Thankfully, we don't seem to see them too often now (whether that is because most heed the warnings and run from external, or the installtointernal process is evolving, remains to be seen) but the risk is still there when installing to internal

    Ok, but to take away the install to internal cause of some noobs is not a solution for me. In a car you also dont limit the speed to 50 cause of some so called racers in prevent of n Accident. If i or someone take the risk of install to internal, is my decision and if there is a problem, i must live with that or find a solution. And if something goes wrong, you can always boot from SD.

    Sorry but this decision to forbid it, tastes for me like the politic of Apple, Google or M$ on their devices. And who wants Android as base for Mediacenter really?!😉

    I've already tried!

    The USB ports don't work. It works only the USB port on the back (next to the power supply).

    Obviously all USB ports work perfectly on Android (pre-installed).

    Thats strange. Cause i installed Kodi+Emulationstation and i had 2 Ports working with an usb stick with retro gaming roms and on the other usb port (on back) i had the controller dongle for the xbox360 controller. Maybe there a different layouts of the MXQ pro 4k going round... Sorry that i cant help..

    As a workaround, copy all of your folders, using coreftplite or similar. Get your friend to make a basic installation of kodi, then overwrite the folders with your folders.

    Bear in mind, if you have a library of your media, on say a NAS it will be wrong.

    Your could try using clonezilla or similar over the LAN

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    thx for that ... but i tried something like this... doenst work cause i cant install clonezilla on 905 device. Cause it must be on the machine installed, were i want to clone the hdd (here the flash) in that case on the 905 box ... so i think i go at my friends box from scratch and install the sx905re from sd card image to internal and make all other changes by coping some xmls for emustation and kodi.

    But thx anyway for helping guys :thumbup:;)