Posts by PaJoe

    We recently bought a cheap GMKtec NucBox G3 with an Intel N100 from Amazon, ($123 US). I used Sky42 Nexus (Libreelec 11) file for installation. So far everything, including 4k has played ok, but I did not and do not plan on testing every type of file. I whitelisted everything because our Sony XR75X90CL does really good upscaling, so I can not say how well it upscaled.

    The only problem we have is with the Digital Clock Screensaver, I can not change the colors, it gives an error with the color picker helper script. The addon problem may be related to me copying the files from our Chromebook 3.

    I have no idea how long this mini computer will hold up but so far I am really happy with the set up. I like it better than our Chromebox 3, Rpi4, Wetec Play 2 and others we no longer use. We use a shared database so I have no idea how well it will do with a large video collection etc.

    ON Edit:

    On our Wetek Play 2 I followed the wiki:

    WeTek Hub/Play2

    Installing LibreELEC to internal eMMC storage

    The process rather simple and it worked beautifully! I was surprised, I expected some type of trouble, but the only change outside no longer needing a SD card, the process appeared to prompt my router to assign a new ip address. I copied my .kodi info using MC (midnight commander) sftp shell and all seems good now (using 11.0.3)

    We have had multiple Libreelec devices over the past few years and it is our go to source, we are using an OTA antenna and HDhomerun for live TV. However, our old 58" 1080P Samsung plasma tv may need replacing in the near future. I am looking for a 65" 4K tv that is good at upscaling. My idea is to keep using Libreelec as we are now, and let the tv take care of the upscaling the 1080p output to 4k.

    Eventually we may buy 4k movies but for now we have too many (several thousand) low quality videos that can not be replaced. Our current Libreelec/1080p setup allows us to watch 40+ year old Super 8 videos that were recorded to VHS, then digital mkv/mp4 files. No they are not quality videos but we can still watch them for the memories. Older dvds converted to mkv actually do not look too bad, but we do sit more than 8 feet from the tv. We have are some Bluray movies copied using makemkv but the only 4k we have are videos my wife made with her Panasonic HC-WXF991 camera, btw; they play ok (1080p output) using Libreelec.

    I am hoping I can get some T V recommendations from Libreelec users that may have some low quality videos they still watch.

    thanks in advance


    Sorry if this has been discussed previously, I looked but did not see anything.

    I understand there already is support for Zoneminder and Foscams. I am hoping someone will consider the Open Source CCTV software called Bluecherry. I am led to believe it uses .mkv files and I did do a quick installation on my kodi file & mysql server and it creates a new mysql database . My idea is if BlueCherry uses .mkv and mysql someone with the knowledge could make an addon to access the BlueCherry videos from Kodi. An addon would be better than scanning all the videos to the Kodi database because in most cases the saved files would only be temporary. However, I am not a coder and have no idea of the various problem accessing the BlueCherry database to play the videos on Kodi, without scanning the videos in the Kodi library. Even better would be to set up a way to run the BlueCherry linux client from LibreElec, but I suspect that would be even more difficult to do.

    Bluecherry – Powerful Video Surveillance Software

    Completely Open Source

    As of April 20, 2019 Bluecherry has released the entire software suite as open source under the GPL licensing.

    Thank you for your time and consideration..

    We had a similar problem with our Chromebox 1 , but not the Chromebox 3 according to Matt Devo,

    it's a 4.19+ kernel bug, current work around is to add 'pci=nomsi' to kernel parameters in /flash/syslinux.cfg

    I think there is a simple smb fix for Chromboxes, but you need to check out the following kodi link:

    ChromeBox Kodi E-Z Setup Script (LibreELEC/Linux+Kodi) [2017/02/21]

    depending on the Chromebox you append either "extlinux.conf", or "syslinux.cfg"


    APPEND boot=LABEL=KERN-C disk=LABEL=ROOT-C tty quiet pci=nomsi

    There is a more detailed howto in the Mr Chromebox Kodi EZ-setup script thread linked above,

    it's close to the page I listed.

    Thanks to all, we marked the thread solved. I understand the various beta releases can be at various states of development.

    We ended up switching two of our boxes, the Wetek Play 2 and the Mecool M8Spro+ to CoreElec and using Millhouse test releases on our ChomeBox and Chromebox3, these installations match our Debian Leia release using the latest official database versions 116 & 72 . It was the only way at the time to get all our clients with Leia releases using the same database version.

    I did not try the LibreElec beta release #3 , hope on waiting for the official release. Eventually we will have LibrElec on all but our Ubuntu desktop. I prefer LibreElec.

    Sorry for the confusion: the LibreElec client databases did NOT update to newer versions after selecting the Version 9 channel and running the update from the settings manual. Although the systems updated to Leia 8.95.002 , they continue to use the same database version as they did while running Krypton 17.6. This was on 2 different clients, Wetek & Chromebox.

    All 4 clients were updated to Leia but 2 of the clients (both LibreElec ) continued to use the MyMusic60.db and MyVideos107.db.

    The fresh installs (Debian & CoreElec) use newer databases than the client upgraded to Leia using the menu options in the settings. In order to get all four clients using the same database versions I returned two of the Kodi clients to Krypton and now all 4 have the same database versions even though two clients (LibreElec) are running Leia and two are running Krypton. All four clients now use MyMusic60.db and MyVideos107.db which according to the official chart is the database version for Krypton. It seems to be related to LibreElec not updating the database versions whereas both Debian and CoreElec running Leia use newer databases.

    My guess this has to do with being a Release Candidate rather than regular LibreElec release. It's not a big thing having 2 clients with Leia and 2 with Krypton in order to have the same database versions, it just seemed odd as everyone always says all clients must be the same version to have the same version databases.

    I am currently running 4 kodi boxes. Recently upgraded to Leia 8.95.002. Both the Chromebox and WEetek Play 2 keep the same databases MyMusic60.db 7 MyVideos107.db. However on two of the systems I had to use fresh installs and those systems use MyMusic72.db & MyVideos113.db. ( according to the offcial Kodi database chart is should be MyVideo116.db)

    In order to share the library I need all 4 systems to use the same databases.

    It appears the databases used in fresh Leia installs are different than those used in updating existing systems to Leia. Is there a way to force all the systems to use the same database versions?

    thanks in advance


    I have an MECOOL M8S Pro+ with bad eMMC memory, and made an stupid mistake to try to upgrade the Android firmware :(

    I already got an refund so it's not a big problem.

    I am trying to revive the box, so I can run this LibreELEC build from microSD, but I can't flash an full factory image. Mainly the system partition is problematic, because it has an large size it corrupts easily on my box. So I am trying to flash only the basic partitions to my box to boot LibreELEC.

    An amlogic image has several partitions, but I am not sure which ones are needed to succesfully boot LibreELEC from microSD? I think the bootloader + recovery partitions are needed? But maybe also the boot (kernel) partition? Or does the bootloader also check if the system partition is OK?

    And also if it boots where does it save the setting that it keeps on auto booting from microSD?

    I can not help you but can say I have one of the MeCool devices and for a while it seemed to be dead, absolutely nothing - the monitor reported no HDMI input . I made a sd recovery card, along with the reset button was able to get it back to stock. I posted what I did on Freaktab with links to the files I used. Once I got the stock android working install and using Libreelec on a sd card seems to be working fine. I say "seems to be OK " because it is not our daily player, and I only used it a few times for testing purposes. I can say it has remained on and searching/cleaning our shared databases etc all day with no problems, so I do think it is OK. I used a sd recovery card, along with the reset button. The only problem I ever had with Libreelec is using a bad device tree, but if you use the one in the original post it should be OK.

    MECOOL M8S Pro + TV Box Amlogic S905X Android 7.1 2/16GB Fast Lan, WiFi 802.11b/g/n -

    if you run the zap2epg addon from a Kodi setup - you can configure your lineup and channels list which will create the settings.xml file - you can then run the program as a test from within the addon and generate the xmltv.xml file.

    With both of those in hand, you can determine if you want to take the script and configure it on your file server. :)

    Yesterday I tried on my Ubuntu-Mate system (17.10) after making small changes to the /etc/profile section of the tv_grab_zap2epg and it ran OK and created a good xmltv.xml file that could easily be copied to 3 LibreElec boxes. As I had installed the zap2epg addon on our Chromebox to get a settings file as you directed, I decided to let it remain there and now just have the tVheadend42 addon on two of the LibreElec boxes read the xmltv.xml file from Chromebox system which is a better solution as we use the Chromebox daily and the other 2 boxes less often. It is too early to know for sure but so far it looks like your addons are working OK, and a much better setup than using the original zap2xml pearl script on a file server.

    Thank you

    I really like the idea of running it as a stand alone program on a linux based file server, I am currently using the original zap2xml perl script. I prefer only one download of the on line data and sharing it with all the other systems. Could someone post a sample .xml file?


    I just flashed 8.1.9 onto a brand new Mecool M8S Pro+. Everything works but wifi (I am aware of the wifi chip issue) and the rear USB port on the left side. I'm using the recommended DTB, but for some reason the port is dead. Is this a known issue? kszaq - coffee on the way.

    I had similar results using the dtb.img file provided by wrxtasy. I did a complete re-installation using the gxl_p212_2g.dtb from the links on the 1st page of this thread and both usb ports now work ok. I did continue to use the remote.conf file provided by wrtasy, I do not use wi-fi.