Posts by bylderup

    kszaq Thanks for the advice. I have just tested it. Same as before. After some minutes problems as described.

    ..but only with live hd channels with 50 Hz . Everything else is playing fine!

    For example tested some youtube 4k videos last night, shown with 1080 on my tv screen. Amazing.


    edit : although I have a LG Panel (M3702C-BA) I did 2 things and made some further tests :

    Installing this version of libreelec: LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.2-devel-20171205200850-r26441-gdba9a67.tar

    Added this in advancedsettings.xml :






    As long as I don´t zap from one Full HD channel to another one directly - the picture is fine without issues.

    Zapping directly will bring back the problem.

    edit 2 : after 3 h without errors the same bug again

    went back to to android for now

    don´t understand techgurus posting.

    This thread is for [] LibreELEC 8.2 for S912.

    I know, there are no Mali GPU drivers. But the libhybris thing.

    The device is working really fine with this drivers. The only issue I have is this with the live HD channels.

    So I gave some feedback. Not more. And I hope this issue can be solved in future releases.

    Btw, this is the first time I bought a device without problems using android with Magendanz Stock ROM.

    I do have deep respect about all the hard Work done by libreelec developers.

    Atm for me and for this S912 device it is not the best solution because I use it for watching live tv in HD mostly.

    bylderup This is caused by overheating. Temp sensor built-in the SoC may not always be accurate. In recent S912 builds CPU and GPU are set to stick to higher frequencies to work around libhybris overhead and keep GUI fluid.

    I have tested now with active cooling and temp about 40 Deg C.

    I´m sad, because problems did not chance. Its only with livetv 1080i 50 Hz 25p .

    Changed from dvbviewer client to tvheadend client. Problem remains.

    As I said, no problems within Kodi or SPMC with android. No problems with 1080p Video file, too.

    But I prefer libreelec on all my boxes...

    pic1        pic2

    I tested this libreelec Version with my Mecool M8S pro L .

    Live TV with DVBViewer is a Problem using Full HD Channels.

    After a while the picture gets green and magenta frays in darker areas and beneath sharp picture edges.

    If I stop the player and restart then picture is ok again - for some minutes.

    Tested different Options in system and for the player. Nothing helps. No problems with Kodi in android.

    Temp is ok (about 65 Degrees C ).

    I have never seen that in libreelec with my other devices before. Any hints to solve that problem ?

    S912 + LE != stable

    So what is recommended for LE 9 final on Micro SD AND Android on nand usage ?

    I´m using both Versions because of Amazon Prime, Spotify and some gaming, LE for Live TV with DD 5.1

    I dont want to buy a expensive device (Vero4k/Wetek/Minix stuff)

    My old Amlogic stuff was fine until Kodi 17.

    Mecool M8s pro + (S905X)

    Mecool KI pro (S905D)

    Mecool M8s pro L (S912)

    Something else ?

    Waiting for X ?

    sended logfile adress via PM

    I hope it may help

    edit : changed my backup / restore strategy and used in build libreelec backup instead of Kodi backup addon.

    This one worked without problems

    Looks like the Kodi backup addon has some problems with backing up files with enabled services

    Ok. I asked there - but I guess its more a problem from the addon.

    I had the same problem on 2 different devices.

    Then i tried to disable librespot addon in the device settings.

    The result was a complete frozen device. Had to pull out the power switch.

    Powered up the device again.

    Now the addon is shown as disabled.

    Backup is running now without problems.

    And I have seen in postings - I´m not alone with that problem.

    I am only a user. But I think no addon should crash kodi.

    I guess it would be better if you will do a developer talk to robweber..

    @ kszaq

    Sorry didn´t know he is using your work
    there is a fault in my description above
    - but I sorted my problem out now and have a better description :

    if I use HDMI 5.1 Audio setting as default plus passtrough with activated dolby digital 5.1 and dts 5.1

    starting a video : both ok. Receiver shows dolby digital or dts logo

    Starting live tv with dolby digital 5.1 : logo not shown and only surround channel effects but no speech (no center channel)
    with live tv I have to go back in settings and changing back to 2 channel and activating dolby transcoding to get dolby digital

    do they use different players ? In older kodi Versions there was e.g. paplayer and omxplayer
    Can I configure kodi in advanced settings to use the same player for live tv as used for video playback
    or is that issue somewhere else?

    I´m using Version J of the image this thread is about. Did you use the right dtb.img of the device tree ?
    I have no problems -exept dts/dolby passtrough only with 2 channel PCM as default Audio-
    everything is running smooth and stable so far.
    not every remote button is working. But I have an Airmouse.

    In Android you should try FTMC instead of KODI or SPMC.

    I´m using this libreelec Version for my beelink MiniMXIII II.

    For Dolby 5.1 (Dolby Digital) and dts 5.1 I have to use
    2 channel PCM as default, then Passthrough and Transcoding enabled.

    Today I tested a bit the latest AlexElec Version.
    I could enable 5.1 Channel as default. dts 5.1 and dolby 5.1 played without issues on my Receiver.
    No noisy sound or flickerung DTS or Dolby Digital Logo on the Receiver.
    I can´t use Alexelec because there was no DVBViewer pvr addon, had to use a MCE remote
    and I do not understand the russian language.

    ..and I am using libreelec on all my other devices and I really like it !

    I am an enduser and not a developer.

    The polite Question I have is : is it a feature that can be included in this libreelec Version ?

    I have seen those tons of postings with broken firmware on cheap android china boxes.
    But I am wondering why this could work within the Alexelec fork. The sound was clear and without any stuttering.

    I can see more clearly now what the problem with my MiniX3 II is.
    Made a factory Android reset and new Libreelec Installation on SDCard.

    There are 2 Partitions, the 512 MB Partition with FAT32 called LIBREELEC
    and the second Linux Partition generated from libreelec on first boot called LIBREELEC_DISK
    The Android System can not access this Partition.

    Everytime when "i boot from internal" this partition is marked as corrupted from Android System Memory

    Is there a way so solve this ?

    Hi I´m new here..

    I have trouble with my beelink MiniX3 II with 2G/32G Memory and Android 6.01.
    I bought it a few days ago and installed some apps via Appstore eg. SPMC and KODI.

    I installed libreelec on SD Card with toothpicking method, too.
    Everything was running fine

    Then i found a link for FTMC, downloaded build 25 apk for aml - because dts 5.1 didn´t work in SPMC or Kodi Android based.
    I took the apk file on an USB Stick removed KODI and installed FTMC.

    Now I do have the problem that in android the SD Card with openelec is seen TWICE.
    In FTMC I do see not the label of the SD Card but 2 times "5ADF-F5B2"

    In Android Memory settings the SD Card ist shown twice as LIBREELEC and as LIBREELEC_DISK
    But LIBRELEC_DISK is marked as corrupted and wants fo format the Card ( its a lie, the Card is ok..)

    Today I removed FTMC build 25 and installed build 26 on Android but problem hasn´t gone.

    How can I delete the wrong secondary "LIBREELEC_DISK" Entry. ??
    If I remove the card, both Entries are gone.

    Libreelec booting from SDCard is still fine.
    I don´t know where I can find the faulty link or fstab Entry or something like that..

    Can U help me out please ?

    EDIT : Made a factory reset on the device and wiped data and cache.
    Problem still exists.
    LibreElec is shown twice and one is marked as corrupted.