There’s no need to discuss Windows here. This is a forum for a Linux based application. In fact it’s a complete non discussion.
I was not asking either of you to run Windows my comment is still valid for users with open minds reading this looking for alternatives to non working tuners. Integration does not mean everything in your home must run pure open source Linux and not Windows, macOS or Apple/Android tablets. There are plenty of LE users who to access backends that are running Windows for their shares or severs like Emby, Jellyfin, Plex, PVR (Media Portal, NextPVR) and DLNA as examples and to suggest otherwise is just ridiculous.
No my Vista is not used for anything but PVR testing but I consider it well protected for Internet issues. I would consider that buying any generic network device for SAT>IP on ebay running god knows what OS version with no updates is potentially more risky.
For power if you want a 24 hour non-transcoding solution I don't think you can beat a generic arm32/aarch64 device like the RPi but there are limits to a 3A power source needed for USB tuners, hard disks, external 2.5Gb networking etc. With better power supplies I think a NUC or PC running x64 Linux or Windows will have similar power drain but the power management of Windows is going to better. I am a PCIe fan so my server requirements are slightly different and when moving to Linux from Windows 5 years ago I had to give up on letting my system sleep because my internal and external Hauppauge tuners and my USB connections were never correct.