will this attempt to but from SD/USB without affecting my Android Setup in NAND?
Android remains preserved.
Reboot after removing SD/USB will start Android again
will this attempt to but from SD/USB without affecting my Android Setup in NAND?
Android remains preserved.
Reboot after removing SD/USB will start Android again
Did You try Demetris 802/812 LE Build ?
Which EWEAT box ?
Any idea if this device (very cheap) will work with S905X/LibreElec devices to speed up the connection?
Chipset driver are built in LE -> adapter will work
Not working in Android
Which USB 2.0 ethernet adapther works with the S905x and this Libreelec?
Use adapters with this chipsets:
USB2 - ASIX AX88178 works with LE and Android
USB3 - Realtek RTL8153 works only with LE
Network speed ~350MBit
Pity they skimped on the ethernet!
Just 15 Euro to fix it on s905x
i have just Libreelec on nand. and can't use cpu-z. or are there other ways, ssh commands?
for example:
Krypton-Box:~ # ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ TP AUI BNC MII FIBRE ]
Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Supported pause frame use: No
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Advertised pause frame use: No
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 10Mb/s
Duplex: Half
Port: MII
Transceiver: external
Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: ug
Wake-on: d
Current message level: 0x0000003f (63)
drv probe link timer ifdown ifup
Display More
I will be using a quite old 2GB microSD card to do the whole process
Bad idea
Better use a fast microsd like sandisk extreme or sandisk ultra
i play the file via ethernet 100mbit from NAS
Try 1Gb USB adapter, solved this issue for me.
4k files with high bitrate 100Mbit bandwith is not enough
And if i switch to another skin... how can i put the command back for: Reboot to nand?
You have to modify the appropriate .xml file <DialogButtonMenu.xml>
Text -> System.Exec(/usr/sbin/rebootfromnand)
- H265/HDR gives horrible banding on s905x. The TV does show the 'HDR' popup.
Reason could be Your TV.
My s905x Box is working fine withe h265/hdr on Sony 4k TV
Are there any guides I can follow?
Just start reading
How can you provide log when in the network I cant see wireless network?
Connect Your Box via cable to Your network, ssh to the Box and get informations
find sdio device
find Android kernel modules
This information will help developer to find driver
Alternative You can use an USB wifi dongle
Is KII Pro box one among what you are referring to ?
It's funny that my box is costlier than what you are using.
I am sure your box is not produced in Europe right ?
You missunderstood.
The 905(x) boxes are branded with a lot of names.
Inside this boxes You will find a lot of wireless chipsets.
Some of this chipsets are very cheap - good for manufacturer
No Linux drivers available - bad for custumor using LE
No, I prefer no Box or manufacturer.
I´m using unstable 905x Box for DIY in my room
Livingroom is running Amazon Fire TV using SPMC
Sleepingroom is running Raspeberry PI 3 using LE
Next DIY project will be 912 Box
Dont you mean AX88179 - USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet (GbE,GigE) | ASIX - for USB 3.0 / Gigabit?
No, I mean ASIX AX88178
Your link shows ASIX AX88179
Doesn't help. I think in the last few builds from Kszaq, Wireless Driver is missing.
There are some cheap chinese wlan chips without Linux drivers.
There are a lot of wireless drivers in the builds.
Chipset should be ASIX AX88178 or Realtek RTL8153.
ASIX AX88178 working with LE and Android
Realtek RTL8153 working with LE but not with Android
read thread-4382.html