Hi Tim,
Can you share your remote.conf for the Beelink mini mxiii-ii s905x 2/32 gb box?
And if possible information about all the mapped keys and there function.
Many thanks!
Look here
Hi Tim,
Can you share your remote.conf for the Beelink mini mxiii-ii s905x 2/32 gb box?
And if possible information about all the mapped keys and there function.
Many thanks!
Look here
the remote control buttons will all work on libreelec ? play, pause, rewind, back, forward, miss that stop button.
You can edit remote.conf to assign commands.
I mapped keypad numbers.
Keypad 1 (Mapped to CodecInfo)
Keypad 2 (Mapped to Info)
Keypad 3 (Mapped to Fullscreen)
Keypad 4 (Mapped to Pause/Play)
Keypad 5 (Mapped to Stop)
Infos ->
All S905, S905X boxes are not created equal - its not just WiFi/Bluetooth, but heatsinks, faster and higher quality RAM and Samsung eMMC flash storage.Properly tested u-boot code. High quality wireless, integrated remotes.
User A bought a Box XXX and it´s working perfect - high quality ram and eMMC ....
User B bought the same Box XXX - got fake ram, cheap wifi, bad quality ram ...
User C ......
Buy a 905x box from serious seller -> bad quality -> return to seller
With the s905x cpu in your opinion what is the best box ?
It´s impossible to answer.
Most 905x boxes using same hardware - some manufacturer using cheap wifi/bluetooth chipset.
I own 2 beelink boxes(see signature) - everything is working oob - no problem to install LE via toothpick.
Wired network is only fast ethernet - I use a GBit USB dongle.
/storage/test failed: No such file or directory
Did You create the local folder /storage/test ?
I thought that with the latest release of LibreELEC all the problems were resolved.
I dont´t think so
Is the Mecool BB2 perfectly compatible with LibreELEC ?
There is no perfectly compatible 912 box
I think Beelink MXIII II is a good one
I agree.
I´m using two of this boxes every day.
No issues with remote - WiFi works oob - running stable 24/7 - CEC working well with my TV & AVR - installing LE on nand is not necessary it´s fast enough running 'good' sd card - etc.
My raspberrys are in retirement, only my amazon fire tv is in use by my wife to watch netflix & amazon video in living room.
But ... I´m old school user - watching TV with dream-box(SAT) - no interested solving addon issues.
In germany we have a word, impossible to translate perfect -> "eierlegende Wollmilchsau". It means 'chief cook an bottle washer'.
Many user expect too much using a cheap S90x box, if You buy a FIAT 500 - it will not run as fast as a Porsche.
You want more power ?
Get a NUC with I7 cpu - Ups, it´s expensive
You own a 65" OLED TV and expect perfect video quality ?
You´ll be disappointed
You want to listen highres music(24 Bit/192KHz) ?
Simple(cheap) solution - raspberry pi & hifiberry
Characteristic of every 905 box running LE is DIY - basic Linux knowledge will help a lot
Back to Beeling box.
Using LE on Beelink is very easy - burning sd card using rufus - toothpick - configure language, sound, network, skin etc. - that´s it.
Update LE using 'update' folder, very easy.
If You did something wrong - make a clean install
Just my 5 cent
What kind of button am I asking about?
For example:
Create Custom Menu Items with Estuary Mod Skin | How to Media Center
Alternative You can modify 'Power' Button -> adding command System.ExecWait("/usr/sbin/rebootfromnand")
I have tried many skins, but only "Reboot from Internal" not working in any of the skin except Estuary (stock) skin. Any help?
You have to modify a config file im most cases.
Any skin other than the stock which works well with the said option?
You can modify every skin to get the options You want
I don't want to brick the box!
Installation on SD will not brick the box.
i updated it from 8.0.2e to 8.1.5 and i have immediately lost the use of Ethernet.
Did You change/replace device tree ?
As said the shutdown in kodimenu result in a sleep (suspend, whatever) its not really shutting down.
The shutdown menu is configured in the skin.
You edit .xml file to change/configure
It says: ''Network error: Connection refused''.
You must enable SSH in kodi settings
Default SSH disabled
I'll have to use Ethernet instead on this box.
Or USB-wifi
Not yet. As i told before - i believe that it's a platform-related mediaplayer issue.
Did You read this ?
Problem appers only with Youtube addon (with any video).
Did You ask the addon author ?