hi CvH,
I'm testing your test build "LibreELEC Tvheadend with GPU transcoding" in my RPI2 with latest Libreelec version, I added "codec Profile" with h264_omx codec, then the "stream profile" with Matroska /built in, video codec profile = "new one created" and audio profile = "WEBTV codec Vorbis". I'm using IPTV as input to transcode, but is not working (works in "pass" mode"):
2017-09-19 08:18:53.538 http: using ticket 4D01BE4D1D08B71702BBCB9C18C396A82D7FE557 for /stream/channel/a4e5d9248795092a332b54c9a11fa40b
2017-09-19 08:18:53.539 mpegts: iptv_plus.m3u - Univision HD in iptv - tuning on IPTV
2017-09-19 08:18:53.540 subscription: 0008: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "Test HD", weigh: 100, adapter: "IPTV", network: "iptv", mux: "iptv_plus.m3u - Test HD", provider: "FFmpeg", service: "Service01", profile="test", hostname="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", client="VLC/2.2.6 LibVLC/2.2.6"
2017-09-19 08:18:56.002 transcode: 0004: 01:H264: ==> Using profile h264_test
2017-09-19 08:18:56.002 transcode: 0004: 02:AAC-LATM: ==> Using profile webtv-vorbis
2017-09-19 08:18:56.167 libav: AVCodecContext: Changing output format.
2017-09-19 08:18:56.467 libav: AVCodecContext: Using OMX.broadcom.video_encode
2017-09-19 08:18:56.725 transcode: 0004: 01:H264: [h264_mmal => h264_omx]: Invalid pts (0) <= last (0), dropping frame
2017-09-19 08:19:14.141 webui: Stop streaming /stream/channel/a4e5d9248795092a332b54c9a11fa40b?ticket=4D01BE4D1D08B71702BBCB9C18C396A82D7FE557, timeout waiting for packets
2017-09-19 08:19:39.061 subscription: 0008: "HTTP" unsubscribing from "Test HD", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.6 LibVLC/2.2.6"
Any idea what I'm missing?