The tarballs can actually be named differently to the label.
You just need to include "tarball" in the partitions file.
This way, you wouldn't need to rename the tarballs, or change the os_list_v3.json file.
Simply change the partitions.json file by adding the "tarball" and then changing the "label".
It might be a good idea to do this even if the names are the same (explicit vs implicit).
eg. The below should work fine
UPDATE: Only works in PINN due to this pull request not yet merged into NOOBS
"partitions": [
"label": "System",
"tarball": "LibreELEC_RPi2_System.tar.xz",
"filesystem_type": "FAT",
"partition_size_nominal": 512,
"want_maximised": false,
"uncompressed_tarball_size": 120,
"mkfs_options": ""
"label": "Storage",
"tarball": "LibreELEC_RPi2_Storage.tar.xz",
"filesystem_type": "ext4",
"partition_size_nominal": 512,
"want_maximised": true,
"uncompressed_tarball_size": 10,
"mkfs_options": ""
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