KODI is just base software through librelec.
For watching you need to install OSCAM+ Tvheadend, then you need to scan channels.
Posts by kiipro
Hello kruxty
That enigma is not working good, it cant scan channels.
Much better is to use libreelec or android releses -
What about creating Enigma 2 to Libreelec channel converter?
Tried Wetek's one, and it work for TVH 4.0 , but not work for 4.2 .Can that Wetek's converter be modified to work with TVH 4.2.
Tried also to copy list from 4.0 to 4.2 but it does not work for my KII
First i want to thank you for your great work, to create something from this box.
Your releases works perfect.I have one proposition, well this is not up to you:
I have tested few hours this: E22TVH
And my conclusion is that it can't work with newest TVH release 4.2.
It works with TVH4.0This tool is pretty good one.It loads Enigma 2 channel list to KI-KII box running libreelec.
So basicly you do not need to scan anything.
This also is worth for DVB C and DVBT/T2 signals.
It loads already scaned channels.
Didnt tested C , i just tested T2 , and it works.
So , would be really good to have one thing like this for TVH4.2