Posts by niabi

    Hi niabi! im new on this world and I decided to start by a x96 tv box with a s905x and your build work great!

    I need to know how can find the /.emulationstation/themes mentioned above via samba in order to change the ES theme, the .emulationstaton folder does not appears in mi storage folder.

    Also I need to know what mame or FBA roms packs do you recomend to run, I tried from MAME32 plus 0.83 but the games names appears with the rom file name, do you recomend the ver. MAME0.106, is this correct? (i asked before to start to downloading 69gb of data) ;)

    Again Niabi, thanks for your work and I be awaiting for a answer

    The FBA romset should be the one for the latest FBA (not MAME).

    if you can't find the themes folder on samba you could try the "root" folder then go to the emulatiostation and theme folder from there, I will check it for the next release.

    minor issue:

    I can get bluetooth controllers to connect but after powering them off and back on again, they will not auto reconnect (8bitdo SNES30 v4.0 firmware, Wii U Pro Controller, Gamestop brand analog controller). I have used other builds of LibreELEC (for my Pi 3 specifically the build by escalade) where these same controllers auto reconnected without issue. Is anyone else experiencing this? I tried looking into it a bit last night but couldn't find any definite reason yet. Thought I'd reach out just in case someone already has solved this. I'll keep looking.

    unfortunately I don't own any bluetooth controller to test :( but I will see what I can find.

    edit: check this comment. Orange Pi - Bluetooth pairings lost after reboot · Issue #83 · libretro/Lakka-LibreELEC · GitHub

    Have you tried the temperature sensor disabled version? you are describing what happened to me when I used the regular version.

    Awesome build man!

    I was wondering, is there anyone to also have the internet archive ROM launcher also be part of this build? Also to have a choice of what the system starts with (emulationstation, lakka, kodi). Thank you for everything!

    I have no experience with the Internet archive ROM launcher, sorry.

    You can select which start firsts Kodi or Emulationstation by editing the "" file.

    kszaq Maybe its on my side but when I try to build the 8.0.2e I get this error while compiling linux

    But not sure if its on my side or something that recently changed.

    I installed my roms on external usb drive but I had to try many times to start retroarch because emulationstation normally was unable to find roms.

    I tried scandisk but the drive is ok. There is a way to fix this problem?

    Roms in USB need to be inside a folder called /roms and a file called sx05reroms needs to exist inside, at booth it will look for this file and set the appropriate paths.

    cool, is there a guide to building the image?

    or is there a way to 'install' retroarch on the normal builds?


    In ubuntu, to build use:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt install gcc make git gcc-multilib lib32stdc++6
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash (select no, to install bash as the default)
    git clone -b no-ES Sx05RE
    cd Sx05RE
    make image PROJECT=S905 ARCH=arm DISTRO=Sx05RE

    or if you can wait a bit more I can build it for you, it takes a few hours tho.