Posts by niabi

    niabi is there a possibility in near future that you make a new branch with the last Kzaqs build of Kodi for 905? Cause the Version of Kodi you have in the 1.65 oder the 1.7 build (17.4 and 17.5 RC1) have little bugs. And therefore the last build of Kzaqs is its last one for Krypton on 905, your build could be the perfect combination of 17.6 and Emulationstation/Retroarch. ;)

    The source code is already up to date with Kszaq. I will try to upload a binary tonight. just need to properly test it.

    I could be wrong but I believe it is possibly VLC that is used for video previews, also I believe you need to add the videos manually.


    I have installed Kazqs latest Build for s905x and from a Tutorial in Freaktab I´ve installed Emulationstation/Retroarch as program add-on. Everything works fine! But the only thing that doesn't work , is the video preview for Games. I updated EmuStation today with your binary from the latest sx095 build, but the Videos doesn't show up. Path, videos everything is correct in gamelist.xml. Is there a player missing, which plays the .mp4 Vidz in EmuStation?! And if so, how can install it on the Libreelec Box, cause apt-get is forbidden :( ... Thanx in advance for Tipps.

    Greetz J.

    it needs VLC, not sure how to add it after its compiled, sorry.


    I have found a bit more information about the issues I am having, when the device first boots I receive this error message:

    [FAILED] failed to mount Core directory
    See 'systemctl status tmp-cores.mount' for details

    I receive this message for all of the RetroArch directories - Database, Cores, Assets, Shaders and Joypad

    When I access the box via SSH and run the suggested command, for example, 'systemctl status tmp-cores.mount' it outputs this:

    Not sure why this is happening or how to fix it, this happens with every mount file for the RetroArch directories.

    Sorry I haven't really had time to check all this, and with my dev laptop being so shitty it takes ages to compile, but I will check it tonight directly on my clean S905 and I will let you know.

    sx05re_exit_to_kodi = True 

    had to be added manually to retroarch config file.

    About the other issues not sure why there is no cores in those folders as when it builds it should automatically create all the files needed, did you modify the source in any way when building?

    I don't have a S805 device to test, so I am not sure why this is happening.

    I've added support in IARL to launch games if you're using this build. Seems to work pretty well for the systems I tested. Still trying to get it to work with PSP and AdvanceMAME. naibi was also gracious enough to add a retroarch setting in this build to boot back to Kodi instead of emulationstation when you exit Retroarch.

    If you set sx05re_exit_to_kodi = True in the retroarch.cfg, you will boot back to Kodi on exit.

    That is very nice! Thanks for your work on this!


    After testing your build on an S805 Android TV box, I can confirm your compiled build is not working for S805. All libretro cores are compiled for A53 and can not work on A7. So, I think your build can be renamed to S905RE :)

    My current build sure, as it is focused on the S905 (the only box I have), but it CAN work for the S805 if you build it yourself, I am sorry I haven't had that much time to work on this mostly due to as you already know my broken laptop, but it is possible.

    Hm, after first boot and shutting down the Box, next boot it shows up "File System corrupted, shut down the Box"

    For sure, that this Image fits my Box?

    ok, i will do so. How can i migrate all Kodi Settings (from another SD Card) into the "new" System? All Addons, Skin, Settings? I dont want to overwrite wrong things, maybe the emulation station wont work after that?

    //Update: broken Filesystem seems to be solved. But: if it comes up, it says "we can't find any systems" - copied before a ROM into Rom-Folder.

    How to solve?

    first of all make double sure you are using the correct DTB, those problems that you have are mostly related to that.

    The ROM error means you don't have any games on /storage/roms/ or they are not in the correct folder, make sure the roms are in their respective system folder. e.g /storage/roms/nes for NES games.

    niabi - Did Amiga FS-UAE/UAE4ARM get removed after v1.4? I can only see an C64 core in 1.65 and 1.7.

    I've looked at the new Lakka 2.1 RC3 build which now adds them along with Dolphin... getting very exciting.

    AFAIK nothing has been removed, but if they removed and added it back on RC3 It should be in my source code, I will check it.

    I don't think Dolphin will ever run on the S905, they add the cores but they are for other platforms.

    Ah yes, That last bit is me being tired - moved them all manually via IP yet didn't drop them in to folder names per core.

    All files dumped in "Roms" root aren't supposed to detect...

    Confirmed partially my error. Samba share working OK after laptop reboot. Had to add "Roms" share in the samba.conf file.

    Roms/bios copied - detected fine and tested - Dreamcast and PSX. Calling it a night yet shall setup and test Kodi tomorrow after work.

    I've not had scraping work on 1.6.5 or 1.7. Should this work or can it be added?

    Scraping, as SumavisionQ5 mentions, is currently down, it is probably gone for good, and it was never that good if you had more than 20 ROMS or so. So its better to just get them from other places, or get a pack that has them all included already.

    Edit: Even with the roms/bios present they didn't detect and allow to run. So edited the samba.conf file to share roms manually via the IP address.

    All looks fine yet the folder is called "roms" in storage, I presume a planned change to 1.6.5. Anywho so cannot get loaded in to ES, only Kodi.

    Tried to get around this with adding the "sx05reroms" file in roms too, yet no change - Kodi looks sweet though. CEC, audio pass and PS4 added to bluetooth OK.

    I will test this hopefully tonight. ES should look for roms inside /storage/roms/<system>

    Hey - happy to test. So failing at the first hurdle. When trying to access the Samba share I get asked for a password by default.

    To get around this I tried by IP address instead of the network name. It allows you in yet the Roms folder is not shared. Neither is the root folder so can't get to it the long way around...

    I am currently pulling files instead using the Kodi file manager so I can get ES playing, yet compared to 1.6.5 looks like the new Samba settings are causing some issues.

    Thanks! I think that's an easy fix, I probably forgot to change the default setting.

    Thank you so much niabi ! I've had a quick play and your build is amazing. A single box running Kodi LE and Libretro - most impressive is it's even running Crazy Taxi at a playable frame rate (hope for Reicast to fix the audio clicks)!

    Cannot wait for the next release to merge Kszaq's updates then this is going from USB to internal for sure!
    Hope the laptop is sorted soon. Or maybe the community can help somehow?

    Do you have a donation page? All this deserves a coffee/beer.

    Thanks, I do not usually ask for donations, but they are more than welcome if you want to. I have a paypal account, but I have not created a donation button. I can send it by PM if you want to :)

    The new binary with the 8.2 from Kszaq update will be uploaded today, hopefully you guys can help me test it.

    Edit: v1.7 PR1

    Release Sx05RE v1.7 PR1 · shantigilbert/ · GitHub

    I have been updating every time Kszaq updates, but I haven't uploaded the binary, since my working laptop got damaged I have to use a potato to compile and its extremely slow. That said, I am trying to compile and upload v1.7 which includes all the fixes Kszaq has made plus many more.

    I am sorry for the lack of binaries just bear with me until I can get another laptop.