Have you seen this topic? If two remotes are enough for you then there is a solution.
Looks very interesting. I'll try it. It could be an easy way to extend the number of buttons with a Harmony remote.
I've probably misunderstood the issue but, you can already use different commands for PowerOn and PowerOff with the Harmony remotes.
Learn the PowerToggle Button from remote two to remote one and name it PowerOff.
You're right, my sentence was not clear (even for me, after reading it again ). I mixed two different problems.
The first one is to use two remotes at the same time. And the post above could be the solution.
And the second problem is the power on key, that stick to the original remote. And it will be the case even if I declare two remotes, as configuration is only set after poweron.
If I command from Harmony, you're right, I can learn to Harmony the two power buttons. And with harmony remote, it could be even better to have a power on separated from power off.
The real problem occurs when I don't have the harmony (use the box in another place, give the box to someone else). If I give the new remote, it will not be possible to power on (only off). Not a big deal, but it could cleaner if I was able the change the default setting.